***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

Not so sure on that myself. I completed RDR2 around 6 times. graphical i found it better(strangely), far more immersive, i even found the npc's more interesting i found i just wanted to go back again and again, starfield is getting like a chore, an addictive chore though, leaving the last of the main mission till ive completed everything else.
i think the thing thats a real downer on starfield is so demanding on hardware, i know a 3070 is fab anymore but 1440p at medium settings with fsr and 80% render is rubbish imo

RDR2 is objectively better from a technical perspective, and an immersion/world building perspective.

Gameplay/fun factor can obviously be subjective, but RDR2 is undeniably a more advanced product, with a far more realistic feeling world.
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As mentioned also, it could be why the skill tree is the way it is.

I suspect the skill tree is linked to NG+

A typical player can hit around level 80 on their first play through which is approx 300,000 XP.

If you exhaust the NG+ with the same XP you would be at ~220/328 so have around 2/3 of the skills.

If you could max the skills quicky in a play through or so then there would be lots of complaints of nothing to do.

Also I think the game is designed to prevent you maxing out the full tree and therefore forcing you to specialise.

Of course NG itself is a play extension.

I'm waiting for a NG mod that lets you reallocate your skill points at the start of each NG.
Runs smooth as butter on my 3070 on High/1440p. No DLSS needed. *shrug* Perhaps @MCFC_ANDY has a CPU bound setup?

Most likely. It's all CPU bound for the most part.

I run on ultra at 1440p with no scaling on my 4070ti and 12700k and the fans hardly ever ramp up on the card, and it's pulling nowhere near its normal max TDP, whilst still occasionally dropping below 60 on occasion/in the most demanding areas.

My GPU just isn't being used to its maximum potential at all.

I think the only CPUs that can consistently pull over 60 are the 13xxx series coupled with high speed ddr5.

It is pretty damn poor that it runs so poorly on even a 2 year old high end CPU/i7. It's doing nothing spectacular physics/CPU wise really.
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I suspect the skill tree is linked to NG+

A typical player can hit around level 80 on their first play through which is approx 300,000 XP.

If you exhaust the NG+ with the same XP you would be at ~220/328 so have around 2/3 of the skills.

If you could max the skills quicky in a play through or so then there would be lots of complaints of nothing to do.

Also I think the game is designed to prevent you maxing out the full tree and therefore forcing you to specialise.

Of course NG itself is a play extension.

I'm waiting for a NG mod that lets you reallocate your skill points at the start of each NG.
I'm hoping for a mod that remove the tier costs (i.e. 'spend another 9 points to unlock this') *and* the stupid 'challenges' that prevent you from spending the points when you want - respecs would be nice too.

I do get that there's potentially a lot of replayabllity to be had out of NG+ but that on its own doesn't justify to me not being able to assign new crew members without dumping 9 levels worth of points into junk skills - it's asinine :(
I can't progress with this game, it just feels so repetitive and heavy with go fetch quests. The storyline isn't really obvious to me, and all the planets just feel like copy pasta.

It's just getting really dull.
As this game wanes on me I feel like going back to RDR2 and finish it, I'd reached 50% and didn't want it to end :)

Actually 151 hours played so far (#8 in Steam play time), just below FTL, Sniper Elite 4 and Skyrim :) Maybe since covid furlough days we're ready to sink in some serious game time and our expectations have increased in what AAA games are supposed to deliver.
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I can't progress with this game, it just feels so repetitive and heavy with go fetch quests. The storyline isn't really obvious to me, and all the planets just feel like copy pasta.

It's just getting really dull.

It is starting to lose my attention somewhat.

I'm probably going to take a break and have a change with Forza 8 in a few days when that comes out.
Anyone else have an issue with no steam overlay? I want the fps counter but theres just nothing its enabled it works fine with skyrim et al but Starfield, nada. Might do a complete reinstall of Steam at the weekend sometime see if that gets it working
I really want to enjoy this game but feel it's lacking in a lot of areas. I don't mean feature wise like vehicles or atmospheric flight, all though those would have been great. I just don't feel compelled to go exploring, what's the point in owning more than 1 ship once you hit C tier stuff with turrets? You can't fully automate your other ships and have them do jobs like in x4. Outpost building seems cool but pretty pointless. Everything just feels rinse and repeat. Storyline is okay but the whole thing with powers just reminds me to much of the skyrim dragon born stuff so I don't findvut exciting. Even if some of the powers are cool.

Don't get me wrong, I've put a fair few hours into it but I won't be playing this in 10+ years like Skyrim I probably won't be playing this 8n 10+ weeks once "complete"
Interesting article, and I think what a lot of people are feeling

Yeah, I can agree with that.

I wonder if they have any plans to address some of the issues with the game or will they just make a few DLCs and be done with it?

Probably the latter because a lot of the issues won't be easily fixable. What I forsee is new dlc, few fixes here and there and then let the mods do the rest. I also think we won't see a Starfield sequel ever again. Well, maybe one day I a decade or two once someone else is in charge and they move away from their current engine.
Yeah, I can agree with that.

I wonder if they have any plans to address some of the issues with the game or will they just make a few DLCs and be done with it?

Probably the latter because a lot of the issues won't be easily fixable. What I forsee is new dlc, few fixes here and there and then let the mods do the rest. I also think we won't see a Starfield sequel ever again. Well, maybe one day I a decade or two once someone else is in charge and they move away from their current engine.

I definitely think their choice to stick with creation engine is one of the main limiting factors of this game. Or maybe we're all just over Todd Howard's cookie cutter approach to games
Yeah, I can agree with that.

I wonder if they have any plans to address some of the issues with the game or will they just make a few DLCs and be done with it?

Probably the latter because a lot of the issues won't be easily fixable. What I forsee is new dlc, few fixes here and there and then let the mods do the rest. I also think we won't see a Starfield sequel ever again. Well, maybe one day I a decade or two once someone else is in charge and they move away from their current engine.
I think we'll absolutely see a sequel (Starfield's launch was far more successful than Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 sold around 12 million copies at launch) - the question is when. Elder Scrolls VI is going to take a long time to arrive. I'm *hoping* that Microsoft puts Obsidian on Fallout 5 (it's what the fans have wanted since New Vegas) but given their current game, Avowed, looks really bad, I'm not so sure there'll be an Obsidian after it's launched :(
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One of the most annoying aspects among many is how long NPC's take to answer. They May be sitting n slowly stand before answering or worse if you have follow them. It's like omg like move will you:cry:
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One of the most annoying aspects among many is how long NPC's take to answer. They May be sitting n slowly stand before answering or worse if you have follow them. It's like omg like move will you:cry:

Drives me crazy that the NPC's etc. walk at a speed which seems halfway between walk and run so you can't easily follow them at a set speed when you have to.

Also another bug today where I've set up a large ship landing platform. When it the cockpit and wearing my space suit I take corrosive damage and now have lung damage.
If I stand under the cockpit on the platform there is no issue. I wonder if Barratt has been eating too many alien eggs and is pumping out some SBD's from the jump seat.
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