However it's still such a slog going from main game to the inventory. Anyway of speeding it up so it's like Skyrim and doesn't need to load an extra screen
Starfield: Shattered Space Drops To "Mostly Negative" Reviews On Steam
After launching to "Mixed" reviews earlier this week, Starfield has dropped even
I got bored of it after the station and uninstalled.
I no understand? On a PC pressing "I" in the main game opens the inventory. Are you pressing Tab first?
An addon now seems nuts when the game's current content needs to much more work. It's pretty boring in it's current state.
Skyrim and Fallout had something to see no matter which direction to walked in, that's what made exploring so fun. But Starfield feels like 1000 sq/miles of miles of nothing. Then eventually you come across the same stuff you see on every planet.
Finished the main expansion story this morning. To me it comes across as Bethesda's Greatest Hits: if you are expecting something original, then you can pretty much abandon that. The landscape is strongly reminiscent of a civilised version of Mehrunes Dagon's planes of Oblivion, via the Soul Cairn and Sovenguard. The Va'ruun homeworld is run by three great houses who can't agree on anything. Etc. But one warning: for the final battle you are going to need a lot of health packs, and LOT of ammo. I burned through over 2k rounds for an advanced Beowulf, admittedly in full auto. Then switched to a calibrated Big Bang, which worked well.
The enemy aren't particularly spongy, but there are hordes of them in this part. And as you will find out very early (so it's not a spoiler) they can and do teleport. Including to directly behind you. I took Andreja, and she gets a couple of special lines during parts of the quest line, but I suspect it makes no difference who if anyone you use. But anyone will help in the final sections (it will be pretty obvious when the End Game has started). The enemies spawn endlessly, and you need to just hold them off while you advance. The second last section is absolute chaos.
There are a couple of examples of that old Beth bug: quests that won't admit that they are finished, even after you got the achievement for completing it! Which brings me to my last quibble: I got every achievement except killing ten redeemed, but they only spawn during the main DLC quest, as best as I can tell. And I can't see myself playing the DLC again.
Update: I was wrong: Redeemed DO keep spawning after the main DLC quest ends. Just found five of then at one random map site and got the final achievement. Now to put the mods back in...
People still play this garbage, I completely forgot about it, saw the expansion is out (which I got included with the game, which was free with my GPU).
Going by how it is doing, I won't even bother loading it up. Bethesda didn't even try and fix the game. Gives me zero confidence that Elder Scrolls 6 will be even mid let alone good.
But you're just parroting stuff you've read because you haven't played it so you don't know?
I'm not worried about elder Scrolls 6 personally I think they'd have to do something exceptional to mess that one up. Then again when I really look at their previous games, although I enjoyed them, I don't think they are exceptional in any way.
When you've been playing games for a long time, have a number of other people you trust and they all say the same thing, I need only see the game being played to make a reasonable judgement on it. Starfield itself was crap. I think I managed to endure about 15 hours of it before I thought nahh this absolutely sucks. I was the same with Diablo 4, literally 2 days into its early access I was saying this sucks, there's nothing to do. Everyone jumped on me for bad mouthing the game, yet fast forward a month or so and most people that aren't casuals felt the same. Elden Ring, never played a souls game before, played it, loved every second, before I knew it, 300 hours were gone, same with Black Myth Wukong, 100 hours gone, Cyberpunk 2077, another 300 hours. Then there's Path of Exile, think I'm over 10k hours by now, always love it, always go back, even if I only blast it for 2-3 weeks.
One of the perks of ADHD I suppose, I can go absolute ham on something I enjoy, but if it sucks even slightly, I'll be gone.
This DLC cannot put a pimple on the ass of Phantom Liberty, sure, but it's actually unreal how many people deluded themselves into thinking this was gonna be a home-run fix-all for Starfield. This DLC is just more Starfield.
If you liked base Starfield, you'll like the DLC. It does nothing different. For better or for worse.
same with cyberpunk and why I've never actually got to the DLC on it.