I reckon games are cheaper.
I remember paying in store for Syndicate Wars, big box with cd inside, at least £35, that was 1996, I think it was more but let's go with £35.
Using the inflation calculator that's £66 in todays money.
I reckon I put at most, 100 hours?
I dunno how long and much it took Bullfrog to develop that game but I bet even factoring inflation it's a fraction of that Bethesda have spent on Starfield.
Now also consider how many hours I got out of Fallout 4, and I got that on a deal (can't remember how much), and Fallout 76 which I paid about £15 quid for, roughly 1000 hours in fallout 4 and about 500 in 76.
With the benefit on hindsight, I would have happily paid £100 (more to be honest) for Fallout 4, and I dunno £40-50 for Fallout 76.
So if Starfield is even as good as those games, even £85 for the full premium version doesn't seem to excessive to me.