Played the Minecraft one with my five year old, even though it's apparently one of the poorest games they have made do far she loved it so I can't complain, we are eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
I think the quality of the writing is nearly always spot on. That's the only reason I stil play the majority of there stuff.
The lack of any real gameplay has never really bothered me. In fact, I find the majority of the 'puzzles', particularly in 'The Walking Dead' to be completely redundant. Just feels like padding. I'd rather them just focus there efforts tailoring and fine tuning the dialogue options to give each player a more unique experience.
Maybe it's because I don't treat them like games but as interactive novels, Sometimes I totally miss doing moves and die because I've become engrossed in the story and haven't had to do anything for a minute or two but that's part of the charm. As long as the prices remain below 20 quid a piece and they keep the story as the important element I'll continue to enjoy them.
It would be great if they created there own universe and built it up but that said I am enjoying the romps into the numerous ones they've visited so far.Absolutely. I do hope they move away from TWD however. They could easily fall into the same trap as the show and just basically copy paste the formula from season to season.
I'd like to see them come up with there own IP. Think that would really test the strength of there writing, having to do there own world building and such.
The Wolf Among Us was absolutely fantastic, probably more so because I loved the Fable backstory so much (although I know this was already a comic before TT picked it up, but this game was the first introduction to the story).
I played the Walking dead S1 a long time ago, might get around to season 2 although I think people don't rate it quite as highly...
No Kevin Conroy? Boo. I really like Troy Baker but when he just does that Troy Baker voice it's kinda off putting. Hopefully his Batman voice is something special though.Ooooh!
Really enjoyed The Wolf Among Us and Borderlands, work well on tablet. Batman looks intereesting, but how long between episodes, never had to wait for the others.