*** The Official Tribes: Ascend Thread! ***

Got the pathfinder twinfusor last night. Not sure which I prefer though. I feel I am less accurate with it than the dueling spinfusor as I'm spamming the fire button instead of timing my shots. Guess it's going to take some time to get used to.

I don't really play tech but it's a good class for newer players. In permafrost your role is quite important.
Public games in general are in coordinated but without any means of talking to your team you don't have much hope. Once you guys have been playing little longer maybe if you want you can step up to pick up games.

Diefic start puggin and you won't need to hear the vgs voices.
Cheers for that tourney info JimAroo.

I have registered on Gameshrine, though thought to ask here first about getting a team together, before trying there.
So, have we got four others, that would start a new blood team from here? I am not keen to be Captain B.T.W. though would be if necessary.

You newer guys should definitely set up a new blood team. We can play you guys a few times to get you ready for it.

Im on holiday in the week of the group phase :( So I cant join up. Would have done though as it sounds fun :)

Also, I was just wondering if anyone else has any more information about lag at the moment in Tribes? Tried playing again last night and was lagging badly.

Seems like its mostly just me from the people I have spoke to. I am also now getting FPS lag quite severely in duels where it drops to 15-20 FPS. I thought maybe I have something in the background thats causing it, but I couldnt see anything last night. :(

I will try turning off dynamic lights tonight but I am a little reluctant to do that seeing as last week the game ran fine for me :(

The only other thing I can think of is if my graphics card is overheating seeing as the last few days have seen temperatures touching 30 degrees where I live. However my card has a thermal cut off that shuts the PC down if it gets too hot. Maybe its just getting hot enough to decrease performance but not trip the cut out?

I think the bottom line is I need a better PC!! :D

Anyone know any good persuasion techniques to use on an anti-gaming-PC fiancee?

I think I might be single shortly after she found out I just blew a wad on new gear! :p


I disabled dynamic lighting last night.

Dynamic lighting on 1920/1200 minimal settings 50 fps.
Dynamic lighting off 1920/1200 minimal settings 110fps
Dynamic lighting off 1920/1200 medium settings 60fps.

Going to play with it off for now I think.

Aaaaah 6.5% after 30 minutes, help.

I did reinstall the game (steam version) but it didn't fix it, how can I reinstall the game and get it to work without this huge repair process?

If I install the non steam version would that make any difference.

Not sure what the problem is. Maybe try the stand alone version.

@sundance the hold down Shotty is just nasty. Would make the Comp super gay.
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Really, as I seem to top 3 in almost every pub CTF game I play and take back a lot of flags from the enemy cappers?

You would get home maybe 1 outa 50 times playing against higher level players. Public ctf is just the tip of the iceberg in ascend. In comp its very rare a jug is ever used. We have started trying it to counter certain teams tactics but even that has limited success.

It totally depends on map and the team your playing. Dont take it as im putting you down for playing it as im totally not but try play a medium or light class often also.
I just use the one built in my logitech webcam. Those speedlink ones ive heard are decent but totally up to you.

And no you are not bad at all. Your still pretty new and your normally playing in higher ranked servers with us which should help you improve faster.
Pathfinder can play every role apart from sniping really. We didnt have anything to do with this torney its the team nimbleminds. We just entered along with all the other teams and posted the details here to see if any of you guys wanted to join in also.

Its a slightly different style of gameplay but base defence will go down and stay down probably. Then 2 or 3 players will physically defend there flag by body blocking or killing players before they grab.

Its quite a advanced style of play but can be very enjoyable. Then again im not sure how its going to play out. Cappers can still grab at silly speeds so without a sniper im not sure how they will be stopped.

Most of you will fall into the newbloods so you have the opportunity to earn extra benefits. Its only for abit of fun and to play as a team.
Its nothing to do with pathfinders been the best cus they cap flags. They are by far the most flexible class.

They can disrupt. They can defend. They can chase the flag and they can cap.

In the normal CTF game type with all the different roles players are not on a level playing field. Each class has advantages and disadvantages over the others. Running all pathfinder it means everyone will pretty much use a near same set up so any advantage or disadvantage will be down to either personal skill or teamwork.

Its a style of game play thats been played in different tribes mods since the original game in 1998.

Its just a bit of fun nothing more.
Only things i can say is i think the sniper rifles are lag compensated and close combat means they cant one shot melee you. First one would damage you a lot but then you could unscope and fight.
Titan launcher is better. That and the chain cannon with mines + super heavy makes a really good load out for Hof. Only thing is you need roaming defense to stop them disrupting you.

Normally we use soldier instead of heavy as our gens are normally kept down.
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