Im on holiday in the week of the group phase
So I cant join up. Would have done though as it sounds fun
Also, I was just wondering if anyone else has any more information about lag at the moment in Tribes? Tried playing again last night and was lagging badly.
Seems like its mostly just me from the people I have spoke to. I am also now getting FPS lag quite severely in duels where it drops to 15-20 FPS. I thought maybe I have something in the background thats causing it, but I couldnt see anything last night.
I will try turning off dynamic lights tonight but I am a little reluctant to do that seeing as last week the game ran fine for me
The only other thing I can think of is if my graphics card is overheating seeing as the last few days have seen temperatures touching 30 degrees where I live. However my card has a thermal cut off that shuts the PC down if it gets too hot. Maybe its just getting hot enough to decrease performance but not trip the cut out?
I think the bottom line is I need a better PC!!
Anyone know any good persuasion techniques to use on an anti-gaming-PC fiancee?
I think I might be single shortly after she found out I just blew a wad on new gear!