The ONE AND ONLY ***OFFICIAL*** Crysis thread - SPOILERS!

I'm gutted that the place in Basingstoke hasn't despatched mine, it should have gone today (or even better yesterday as they did with my last two orders), but nothing so far, no email and the site shows nothing new. :(
From now on do not bother ordering from them as this is now 2 out of 3 pre-orders that I am not getting a day early. I phoned to ask them nicely why the had not shipped and the lady got a bit aggressive and told me that they will not deliver early anymore as they will be sued by the publishers. I told her she has lost a a customer of 5 years. So next time it will be the island boys.
I phoned to ask them nicely why the had not shipped and the lady got a bit aggressive and told me that they will not deliver early anymore as they will be sued by the publishers.
With them not shipping mine today....will most likely mean i will not receive mine till monday :mad:

as post from the uk mainland to the channel islands normally takes two days...

I may try and phone up first thing in the morning and try cancel my order and buy it from one my local retailers...
With all the tanks in the big open space, lots of enemy with rocket launchers etc. Its before you get to the mine!
No actually I thought that was quite easy, though I didn't get the tank on the island by boating over. Just shot it from distance.
With them not shipping mine today....will most likely mean i will not receive mine till monday :mad:

as post from the uk mainland to the channel islands normally takes two days...

I may try and phone up first thing in the morning and try cancel my order and buy it from one my local retailers...
I'm not getting mine from the that little island Im getting mine from the Basingstoke mob. I should receive it on Friday but that's not good enough as I am used to getting pre-orders a day early.
Im with the aliens now in the mine, its awful :(
Are you saying the alien combat is not that great. I was always a bit worried about that because fighting non bi-pedal aliens in most games is not that great. It always starts getting arcadish - shoot the big floaty thing that takes ages to kill.
I've completed it now (it's not that long in reality, took me about 6 hours ish) - well looking forward to replaying it again when the new gfx details are unlocked with new hardware.

Everything is well balanced in Crysis, all the weapons feel right, all vehicles feel right, destruction is the best thing ever.

The Boss battle was super slick, I died many times and cursed equally but I manned up and kicked ass.

Easily one of the best single player PC gaming experiences I have ever had.

The alien combat can get tedious if you've wasted all your shotty ammo because you've got to resort to sneaking and moving fast along the edges of the ship during that level but outside you can beat their asses easily.

And my god, the difficulty in Delta mode is scary.

I'm not too interested in online play (have UT3 coming for that) but will give it a go after I've completed Gears and COD4.

Just as a reference though, those of you who also have proper copies already, are you playing online? I have a split shift off work tomorrow so am working from home in the eve - if I've completed Gears by then we should sort out a game!

And now...sleep!
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Little disappointed to see quad core makes no difference in the retail game.

Very High everything, DX10, 0xAA at 1920x1200 res I get an average of 15FPS. Unfortunately not playable enough for me but I don't want to lower any settings to be honest so i'll probably end up doing what I did with Far it about a year later when I can do so properly!
The alien battles arent too bad its the part that I was on that I was complaining about, it was the part where you are inside the ship-like alien thing trying to get out of the mountain.
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