The ONE AND ONLY ***OFFICIAL*** Crysis thread - SPOILERS!

How come the night maps run so much better than the daylight ones then? Because the graphics look much better IMO! Hadn't been that impressed with the game up till now, but I'm now on the destroy the sam sites mission and it's really quite spectacular! It's like COD4 ;)


I was getting 75fps on a night map earlier, played very nicely
can someone please tell me which config file i need to edit to get my gfx looking like the gents above please?

tells you there....but basically


This file doesn't exist by default, so you need to create it by going to your \Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis directory, right-clicking on an empty spot and selecting 'New>Text Document'. Then rename this .txt file to System.cfg (not System.cfg.txt). By default Crysis looks for the presence of this file each time it starts, and if the file exists and contains valid commands, they will be automatically executed when the game loads up. As such, this file is the perfect place to store most of the commands you wish to apply to Crysis at startup.

The format for entering a command in a config file is different to that of commands used in the console. If you want to disable motion blur for example, the console command is r_motionblur 0, but when entered in the config file, it needs to be r_motionblur=0, and every command needs to be on a separate line.
Ok so ive been playing crysis up to the 3rd level now i think it is (where you come out of the cave) and ive got past the KPA village then head towards the green arrow. BOOM my fps suddenly slams big time, everywhere else is fine but after the kpa village fps drops so low.
ok i have done that now and used the settings the guy above posted for that cfg file, however it still doesnt look anywhere near as good as that.

and thats at 1920x1200 with everything maxed out.
oh, i think its showing as a text file still, how do i change it?

I couldn't do this either, I had to copy over an existing .cfg, rename it and replace the contents with the new settings.

Settings still didn't work for me, and i'm on pretty much exactly the same spec as Loowi is :(
ok cool got it working but there is loads of config settings in the top right corner like fraps is running but i dont even have it installed, also it doesnt load up in full screen anymore
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ok cool got it working but there is loads of config settings in the top right corner like fraps is running but i dont even have it installed, also it doesnt load up in full screen anymore

Go into the system .cfg and make it r_displayinfo 0 or 1 whichever one it isn't atm. Also, how can I record crysis, I think system.cfg will easy end that E3 06 footage bs :)
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