The one and only signature creation thread

Could someone put something together for my misses please? :)

Username: Aitch

using these images, would be good to get the user name in too :cool:



Cheers guys :)

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sunlitsix said:
bjmerry :-
ok, for now ive just used the 1 image because i cant think of a good way to merge the two together. here it is :-

Thanks mate, she really likes the style but is slightly concerned that is does look rather rude, will have a look for another pic that isn't as easy to 'mistake for something else' ;)

edit: how about this one? With the same background :)


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Hi everyone.

A few people have requested sigs in the last few days and I have yet to post any. The reason is I am a little busy with uni work and also with learning and trying out some new stuff in Photoshop.

I am also writing two small tutorials aimed at absolute beginners: One for creating borders and one explaining the basics of the Pen Tool.

All of these things together take up a lot of time and leaves me little free time to help you guys out. Tomorrow afternoon/evening I promise I will get some of your signatures done. I don't like saying I will help and then end up not getting around to it!

So, for anyone who has asked for a signature please check back in a day or two. Anyone else who wants a signature and hasn't already asked please do so, if I don't get onto it I am sure sunlitsix or one of the others can help you out :)

Thanks for being patient.

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