What theme / text would you like? Something Muse related?
Nah, try something opeth related
Ah what the heck, who wants a sig? I've not made any in a long time and I fancy dabbling in the creative stuff again.
Give me a theme and the text
Could you also make me one with a Mccoy crisps theme?
Thanks again, Mr.Mccoy.
Edit - Also could you possibly make one with a deus ex human revolution theme and one with a metal gear solid theme and a borderlands one?
Sorry for asking for a lot.
Maybe fiddled and messed with this too much.
Maybe something Diablo III related? Or something D3 related that includes the Male Barbarian? Or both?
It's up to you're creative genius
What image of the barbarian would you like? There's a few different ones.
Oh give me a few mins to check, I didn't realise there were a few - got a few quick links whilst I'm checking?
I'm just going by "diablo 3 barbarian" in google image search. There's a couple variations by the looks of it. Once I have that image it's almost done.
Hard to pick one!
Second from left on here: http://diablo.incgamers.com/gallery/showfull.php?photo=5655 I actually like all 3 bar the 3rd from left.