Werewolf based on your posts I'm surprised Elon Musk hasn't hired you to be his advisor, in fact it's curious that he's the richest person in the world and not you. Did it ever occur to you that he's got a team of people working for him and isn't actually making decisions completely arbitrarily? Employment contracts can actually be changed, if Elon wants the company to be successful and run the way he wants it to be run then he may actually just need to hire a lot of new staff and get rid of a lot of old staff who aren't agreeable to working for the company in the way he wants it to be run. Ultimately the companies success is more important than keeping spoiled tech workers happy.
Most of what I'm saying is fairly common sense and looking at what experts, lawyers and people working in twitter and other companies have been saying...
I'm not that smart, and I'm certainly not rich, but I've spent much of the last 30 years reading about the tech world and being at times a bit too interested in how/why things failed, including companies, and so much of what is coming out of Twitter is classic failure in the making (and likely legal action incoming).
For example going in and telling managers they have to explain what someone does and why they should be kept on, in a single sentence for each then sacking half your workforce within days is not a great idea, especially for a company where many of the jobs won't be simple to describe (as Musk was finding out within hours).
Getting rid of people like your legal team is a really good way for a company to get into trouble, especially if you're running operations in multiple jurisdictions (even just within the US there are employment laws that vary by state for example).
Getting rid of most of the companies "communications team"/PR is a great way to lose the ability to communicate/understand what is going on in specific areas outside the company, especially if as has apparently happened at Twitter they've got rid of most of those that were fluent in multiple languages, meaning they now apparently have no one whose job is to act as the interface between the company and various non English companies/governments in major markets, doing the same for the marketing team when you already have advertisers worrying about your policies is a great way to lose that income (as Musk has found).
For example Musk seems to think only prolific programmers who do a lot of lines of code are any good and should thus be able to other things, not seeming to understand for example you can be the best coder in the world, but if no one else can understand/follow your code there is going to be a huge problem later on down the road. Apparently Musk got rid of most of the "Technical writers" who won't write much if any code, but whose job is to document the systems and code so that when someone needs to make a change they can look back understand what it might do*.
Or the fact he's making changes that have seen the people whose job it is to ensure the company is acting in a legal manner leave rather than sign their names to documents is normally a huge red flag, and instead the company is now relying on staff who don't specialise in the law/compliance sign off on their own work and one of the first questions asked by a regulator will be "and who is in charge of making sure what you were doing complied with the law, regulations, and that court order from years ago?").
The fact he's the richest person in the world is almost certainly a large part of his problem, unless you are very careful and have the mindset to avoid it happening you can quite easily end up surrounded by people who'll always tell you how well you're doing and everyone else is wrong. IIRC Musk went through several sets of lawyers in his Twitter purchase, almost certainly because they were giving him correct legal advice and he didn't like that advice.
*tech writers are the people who can often end up having saved a company from a major issue by making sure that some obscure change was properly documented in a way that even if everyone involved in that change has left/been hit by a truck, someone can understand what that change was for, why it was done, why it was done in a specific way, how it affects everything else, and what problems a change might cause. A day spent writing such a document can save spending a far more time writing, then rewriting code when you find your initial "easy" fix doesn't work, or worse breaks something that is subtly different on the production system because for example it doesn't scale up how you expected (I used to chat to a tech writer who worked in Aus and learned a fair bit both about what the job was, and how to write instructions better/trouble shooting notes etc better, apparently most people who are familiar with something tend to forget steps in the process when writing it down for others).