My god man can you stop kissing his arse? I used to respect him and avoided watching any content that criticised him
It isn't me coming in here posting positive news stories every day saying how great he, I'm only responding to your constant barrage of hate filled posts taking the most cynical and critical view of him that you possibly can.
mainly because I am such a SpaceX fan but once your eyes have been opened you can't go back. He isn't quite Elizabeth Holmes but he's been promising things for years and not delivering them.
Could you cite some specific examples?
I'm amazed the SEC hasn't been more on his case with Tesla considering how much he's promised year after year when he knew it wasn't coming any time soon. Promising the market products that you can't deliver that push up share price is illegal and certainly un-ethical.
So he's basically running a company like everyone else then. Release dates of products get pushed back all the time, it's just the nature of business. He also sets pretty lofty goals and is ambitious with his targets, that's one of the reasons he's so successful.
If its so safe how did this car crash? It should have taken over from the guy and stopped the crash? A Musk quote from that story
It's not flawless, humans aren't either. The bar isn't that a system needs to be flawless because no system is. Air travel is incredibly safe, but sometimes things go wrong and the systems and processes become more refined as a result.
I would argue the opposite, they have a moral obligation not to roll out any software they know isn't perfect because it could cost lives. No surprise its illegal to use it in the UK.
Musk says the system is safer than humans and has been saying that for nearly 8 years, this car magazine disagrees in 2022
Explained and tested: Tesla’s ‘self-driving’ Autopilot
CAR explains and rates Tesla's semi-autonomous
If introducing a system saves more lives than it costs, then why wouldn't you introduce it? Simply because it isn't perfect? I could cite the Covid19 vaccine leading to the deaths of a very small number of people yet saving many more times that, perhaps you'd think we shouldn't have rolled it out because it isn't perfect and could cost lives? It's better than the alternative.