The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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10 May 2012
Just no. This doesn't work. You can't counter a lie once it's spread and done the damage. No amount of debate or facts will convince people of things once it's out there. Brexit, trump, Boris....all were counteracted by facts, all failed to counteract the lies.

There is no reason a private company should allow a free for all on their platform.

It's not about not liking something, it's about not promoting lies.

It couldn't be that those things happened for legitimate reasons, it was all just people being lied to xD Ever think the counter arguments were not only bad, but also lies them self?
12 Feb 2006
it was all just people being lied to
the issue is when you say all the people.

no one thinks all the people voted based on a lie, but enough did. lies were told and enough believed it to vote for leaving. Whether it was significant enough to alter the vote or not is what's up for debate, but it can't be up for debate that lies were told, and people believed them.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
It couldn't be that those things happened for legitimate reasons, it was all just people being lied to xD Ever think the counter arguments were not only bad, but also lies them self?

I saw an apt image being shared on social media recently... "Brexit is like watching your library being burned down by people who can't read".

EDIT: The astonishing thing for me with Brexit though is that despite it all, it still hasn't managed to decouple us from the few actually undesirable aspects of the EU we wouldn't be sorry to be shot of like some of the proposed daft car regulations, etc.
12 Mar 2004
He did it deliberately, it's not hard to avoid a dowie hole, other posters in this thread have engaged in actual arguments and paid attention to what was said.

If you're going to throw in dumb replies that demonstrate you've not actually read or understood the argument being made or seemingly misrepresent it then you'll get a reply pointing that out.

It's certainly not as bad as a Murphy hole where one's positions are ceaselessly misrepresented
1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard
Well there you have it, he wants to charge business and governments to use it, verify everyone, and sell it off on the stock market again once it's generating more revenue.

That sounds like a good thing. The commercial user pays rather than just relying on Ad income. Provides a secure equable system.
19 Mar 2012
There's a certain irony that the posters that advocate for lies being able to be put out there, because people are able to discern what is the truth and act accordingly, are the ones who constantly prove that isn't true.
18 Oct 2002
So confused by the "left Wing" comments. I haven't met anyone that even gives a hoot about it lol. Literally just media outlets and people making jokes.

Plus all the crying by Twitter staff when it was announced (and let's not forget, they are 99% lefty).

Ironically, it seems the "Left Wing Meltdown" is almost exclusively on Twitter, and no one would take anything on Twitter seriously. Right?
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
He did it deliberately, it's not hard to avoid a dowie hole, other posters in this thread have engaged in actual arguments and paid attention to what was said.

If you're going to throw in dumb replies that demonstrate you've not actually read or understood the argument being made or seemingly misrepresent it then you'll get a reply pointing that out.

Give it a rest dowie, its just boring now. I bet you've never once admitted you were wrong, probably a point of pride for you. It really is nothing to be proud of.
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
Wait weren't the left wing crying when other people called for big tech regulation/accountability, yet now that someone else controls the platform they are like yep lock that **** down or democracy is in danger.

I also think a subscription model for businesses on the platform would be a good, it doesn't even need to be much, could be something like $1 a month, from every business/corperate users that's still a significant chunk of change.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
It couldn't be that those things happened for legitimate reasons, it was all just people being lied to xD Ever think the counter arguments were not only bad, but also lies them self?

You only had to witness what the Plandemic video did in a few days. A well produced video (for the anti vax crowd) and it was everywhere within a 3 or 4 days and people believed it. Of course it was a bunch of lies but that didn't matter, the general public as a whole are gullible idiots, advertisers know this, politicians know this. Lies spread around the world while the truth is still picking which trainers to put on. Before social media it wasn't a huge problem, now it is a HUGE problem, it can be argued its already bitten us in the arse but there is much much worse in the pipeline. Something will happen that will be used by those in power to massively overreach and pass draconian laws regarding free speech on social media that make current social media moderation look like 4chan moderation.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Wait weren't the left wing crying when other people called for big tech regulation/accountability, yet now that someone else controls the platform they are like yep lock that **** down or democracy is in danger.

I also think a subscription model for businesses on the platform would be a good, it doesn't even need to be much, could be something like $1 a month, from every business/corperate users that's still a significant chunk of change.

When were the left wing crying about big tech being regulated? I'm not left wing but I'd have no issue with big tech being regulated if done sensibly. I'd also support the likes of Facebook being broken up, its too big and too powerful.
12 Feb 2006
Wait weren't the left wing crying when other people called for big tech regulation/accountability
You have a funny memory.

What you've (almost definitely purposefully) forgotten, is that trump was "crying", Marjorie green was "crying" as you put it.

The left said it was fine that if someone's going to incite an insurrection that they are banned.

Funny how you have it that baby trump wasn't crying while he was being blocked and text added to his lies, and have it that the left were crying because they said this is correct.

Do you find that often?
10 May 2012
You only had to witness what the Plandemic video did in a few days. A well produced video (for the anti vax crowd) and it was everywhere within a 3 or 4 days and people believed it. Of course it was a bunch of lies but that didn't matter, the general public as a whole are gullible idiots, advertisers know this, politicians know this. Lies spread around the world while the truth is still picking which trainers to put on. Before social media it wasn't a huge problem, now it is a HUGE problem, it can be argued its already bitten us in the arse but there is much much worse in the pipeline. Something will happen that will be used by those in power to massively overreach and pass draconian laws regarding free speech on social media that make current social media moderation look like 4chan moderation.
So I think your view is that people are too stupid to have free speech so need protecting, you would probably feel very at home in somewhere like China or North Korea. Have you considered moving to either of those places rather than try and turn the UK into that hell?
12 Feb 2006
So I think your view is that people are too stupid to have free speech so need protecting, you would probably feel very at home in somewhere like China or North Korea. Have you considered moving to either of those places rather than try and turn the UK into that hell?
That isn't his view.

Have you tried moving to those places before you make such a stupid comment?

Do you know what people in North Korea actually live like? Their suffering etc? And you so casually use their suffering to make a lame sad little man point.

Congrats on being a stand up decent person this morning.
19 Mar 2012
So I think your view is that people are too stupid to have free speech so need protecting, you would probably feel very at home in somewhere like China or North Korea. Have you considered moving to either of those places rather than try and turn the UK into that hell?
This is such a ridiculous argument.

Places like China suppress the truth, what is being advocated is suppressing lies.
10 May 2012
That isn't his view.

Have you tried moving to those places before you make such a stupid comment?

Do you know what people in North Korea actually live like? Their suffering etc? And you so casually use their suffering to make a lame sad little man point.

Congrats on being a stand up decent person this morning.

Oh no, the moral Police are back! Sorry, did I offend you?! Please, let me delete my post immediately! I'm so sorry your feelings were hurt! /s
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