The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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The Icelandic guy has done a thread.

Some people think Elon might be autistic. I wonder if he isn't either a sociopath or possibly even a psychopath, plenty of business leaders have been and it would explain his complete lack of empathy, his belief that he is the centre of everything, that is is never wrong and his ability to lie easily.

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Twitters HR dept must be having kittens the amount of liability they are exposed to by Musk (if twitter still even has an HR dept)
They're not hardcore coders.
Twitter obviously didn't need them.

Reading a bit about the Icelandic guy, it looks like when his company was bought out by Twitter the sale contract for it basically put him on the Twitter payroll as an employee rather than an outright payoff, and apparently he was on a list of people that should not/could not be fired because of the very expensive contractual penalties Twitter would invoke if they did. If that is the case then I can imagine that the penalty would possibly be the value of the company at the time Twitter bought it, minus his wages to date or similar if it was written up by a competent lawyer and unlike Musk it's likely this guy had competent lawyers (to avoid exactly the situation of the company being bought up "cheap" and then him getting fired a couple of months later).

To paraphrase the great philosopher Ms Spears who once said "Oops he did it again".
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They're not hardcore coders.
Twitter obviously didn't need them.

Reading a bit about the Icelandic guy, it looks like when his company was bought out by Twitter the sale contract for it basically put him on the Twitter payroll as an employee rather than an outright payoff, and apparently he was on a list of people that should not/could not be fired because of the very expensive contractual penalties Twitter would invoke if they did. If that is the case then I can imagine that the penalty would possibly be the value of the company at the time Twitter bought it, minus his wages to date or similar if it was written up by a competent lawyer and unlike Musk it's likely this guy had competent lawyers (to avoid exactly the situation of the company being bought up "cheap" and then him getting fired a couple of months later).

To paraphrase the great philosopher Ms Spears once put it "Oops he did it again".

Indeed. Having worked in similar circumstances before with people who were previous owners they had a term in contract that said sale price was $x million.
Offered job role as director/VP and salary of $x (subject to normal raises on performance etc) plus benefits of $x in line with position.
Sale price of $x million being payable but reduced by x% annually on date MM/DD/YY(+1 to 10).

Basically they took a salary of around 15% of sale proceeds, had the valuation for sale reduced by 10% annually.
If we had of sacked them after 3 years they would get 70% of the sale valuation per contract.

I would highly expect he had similar, but even so, unless specifically waived his employment rights would remain.
Its actually practically impossible to waive some employment rights to avoid employers forcing people to do so. Of course thats country specific but most european nations are pretty similar in this regard.
He could have course have a US based contract, but even the US are no so bad in some areas now.
I don't really get the Icelandic guy thing.

Reading between the lines it doesn't seem that he was offering much of value to Twitter in 2023. He talks about his chronic health problems so if his business was worth as much as he seems to think it was why didn't he just sell it for what others would pay for it when Covid hit?

Bad play by Musk having it out with him in a public forum. He should have just left it with a HR will be in touch tweet and left it at that. But he's clearly never been the most savvy operator when it comes to his online/ social media comms
I don't really get the Icelandic guy thing.

Reading between the lines it doesn't seem that he was offering much of value to Twitter in 2023. He talks about his chronic health problems so if his business was worth as much as he seems to think it was why didn't he just sell it for what others would pay for it when Covid hit?

Bad play by Musk having it out with him in a public forum. He should have just left it with a HR will be in touch tweet and left it at that. But he's clearly never been the most savvy operator when it comes to his online/ social media comms
He called him out on Twitter so he got served up on Twitter?
Not sure if it's a good thing or bad but supposedly Twitter hasn't paid their recruitment provider, so they've now gone very minimal (it use to look like this) -


You think he should continue to pay a huge salary for a lad that doesn't actually do any work?
If that's the contract then...
It's usually why you leave it up to HR and solicitors to suss so you don't end up paying more.

Seems like it wasn't a very tight contract, maybe Jack Dorsey can employ him to drink coffee
What's with your sudden rock-on for Dorsey? Given he's a billionaire i thought you would be all over him? :confused:
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Actually everyone is not seeing what you are seeing. You are either lieing or deluded if you think Jan 6th wasnt an insurrection where police were beaten and members of the house didnt have to run for their lifes.

Any sane person knew the Democrats were lying because that's all they do, and they're the ones that incited it by being purposely understaffed on the day and gave cops their blessing to allow people to walk in. They have political prisoners rotting in prison because they had a political tool as ammunition to impeach Trump and to smear him and his supporters, anyone could see this on day 1
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You are watching a video edited by Tucker Carlson to push the narrative that Jan 6th was a peaceful event where people just took an unscheduled tour of the Capitol Building. I really can't believe you are this gullible. The whole idea is that it damages the trust in government and paints the narrative the like of Tucker and MTG are pushing :rolleyes:

His lawyers had access to all the video yet he didn't go to trail and plead guilty. Why?

Were there possibly some police who sympathised with the insurrectionists and didn't do their duty? Absolutely, there were people all over government and armed services who supported Trump trying to stay in power even after losing an election. That doesn't mean the people violently breaking into Congress and threatening to hang politicians including the vice president didn't break the law and deserve their prison sentences.

Haha this again, it's like the PV stuff. You don't want to believe your own eyes because you can't possibly be wrong about something. Can you actually sit there, watch that vid, and still think the Democrats were not lying when they said this guy tried to overthrow the government

Maybe the video is actually a deepfake made by Tucker, or is it all Russian disinformation :cry::cry::cry:

It isn't Tucker/Republicans cherry picking what CCTV footage people can see, it was the Democrats. They withheld all this footage because they've lied about it the whole time, Kevin McCarthy is the one that released every second of it. You tell me who is selectivly picking the videos.

You are something else
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Any sane person knew the Democrats were lying because that's all they do, and they're the ones that incited it by being purposely understaffed on the day and gave cops their blessing to allow people to walk in. They have political prisoners rotting in prison because they they had a political tool as ammunition to impeach Trump and to smear him and his supporters, anyone could see this on day 1

The democrats were not in charge of policing, or calling up the national guard and it's on record that Trump was ignoring pleas for help from Pence.

Also forgot what thread this is, Trump stuff generally goes in SC where it's got some chance of being dealt with in factual terms.
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Any sane person knew the Democrats were lying because that's all they do, and they're the ones that incited it by being purposely understaffed on the day and gave cops their blessing to allow people to walk in. They have political prisoners rotting in prison because they had a political tool as ammunition to impeach Trump and to smear him and his supporters, anyone could see this on day 1

Haha here is a blast from the past. You gave us all so many laughs in those SC threads. Still waiting for John Durham to bring it all crashing down by the way and Hilary to be installed as president :cry:

So Democrats incited an insurrection by under staffing the protection? Is that like saying the women deserved to be raped because she wore a mini skirt? The police didn't seem to be allowing people to "walk in" when they were being beaten as they defended entrances. I bet that is deep fake footage right?

Now you are concerned about the US justice system that can leave defendants in jail for years awaiting trial because the courts can't cope. Were you protesting about this before Jan 6th?

No only people like you could see it tang0. Its that red pill, it gives you special powers.
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