The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I am not at all red pill but some of you guys are just LOL in your hatred for Elon, as much as Roar is LOL for his unrelenting love for Elon.

And he is now on every major media outlet driving thousands of clicks and engagement. I mean, what else is Twitter if it isn't clicks and engagement?

Sure it's a good point you're making, it gets clicks for twitter and all the other news outlets reporting on this crazy Ness. You've spun it well to make this thing a positive for Elon.

What I find weird, is that for all those with "hate" in their heart for Elon, why do they wish Elon to do better?

You may want Elon to continue these mistakes, roar likes it because it hurts the make beleive purple monster, but why is it that you see people wanting better of Elon, and spin that as hate?

That I don't get.
And he is now on every major media outlet driving thousands of clicks and engagement. I mean, what else is Twitter if it isn't clicks and engagement?

You think the clicks will generate more money than it will cost him in lawyers and what he will have to pay this guy? Also you know its going to get spun that he was attacking a guy he knew was disabled because he couldn't type all day because of his disability, even if that wasn't exactly what he was doing.
Nah Elon owes him a lot of money now

Quite probably but he owed him *that* money anyway and if the guy was mostly just resting and vesting then meh... clearly Elon wants people who are actually doing stuff at the mo not just middle management types who are "leading efforts" etc... that's how he wants to run things at the mo and thus this guy perhaps wasn't really needed.

Whether he's going to roll the dice and see if he can get away without paying some of these expensive acqui-hires is still to be seen I guess, Elon's lawyers likely won't be happy with the public spat about this one, especially with the disability card being played!
You think the clicks will generate more money than it will cost him in lawyers and what he will have to pay this guy? Also you know its going to get spun that he was attacking a guy he knew was disabled because he couldn't type all day because of his disability, even if that wasn't exactly what he was doing.

Weve already seen Musk doesnt care about money and more interested in acting like an arse.
Musk :
Cash flow positive next quarter (probably)
Is that like FSD coming 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 3033

I mean he might get it cash flow positive next quarter, assuming the various law suits don't start up fully before then and his legal teams don't require cash in escrow to ensure they actually get paid.
Is that like FSD coming 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 3033

I mean he might get it cash flow positive next quarter, assuming the various law suits don't start up fully before then and his legal teams don't require cash in escrow to ensure they actually get paid.
He has just said he's managed to claw cash flow to equal debt currently with changes that have been made up from billions of loss
Just saw that apparently Musk seems to have done the same to another twitter employee in the same position "acquired founder" of another business that Twitter bought in 2021.

Also 9 days without any communications back from the twit using official channels.

It's looking like there may be a pattern starting to appear, one that could make Musk's lawyers very happy*, but the other teams lawyers even happier with the outcome.

*Note, your lawyers being happy does not equal you being happy. Winning can make lawyers happy, making lots of money always makes them happy.
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The Icelandic guy has done a thread.

Some people think Elon might be autistic. I wonder if he isn't either a sociopath or possibly even a psychopath, plenty of business leaders have been and it would explain his complete lack of empathy, his belief that he is the centre of everything, that is is never wrong and his ability to lie easily.

Iirc, most CEOs (especially for large firms) mostly display psychopathic tendencies. It's how they can do the work required.

"I see my kids every day, I recommend that" lol

How has Elon got so bad at PR now? Was he never any good just lucky, or has it all gone to his head and the idea of he can't do wrong, is just too ingrained in his head now.
How has Elon got so bad at PR now? Was he never any good just lucky, or has it all gone to his head and the idea of he can't do wrong, is just too ingrained in his head now.
I suspect it's a bit of both, but prior to buying twitter his media coverage was far more managed by the companies he was involved in and he wasn't blurting his every thought and business decision out in public.
This is basically the first time he's had both full control, and operating solo in regards to PR, although apparently he nearly bankrupted his early/pre paypal company by demanding that everyone be offered a lot of credit without the normal checks. The story goes that the employees/other managers complied with the letter of the demand, but not the spirit by making the offer hard to access - even so it apparently had extremely high and unsustainable default rates*.

There are some stories about how he was being "managed" by the likes of the SpaceX staff who had learned what would make him happy/how to get him out of the room by pandering to his ego and showing him what he wanted to see even if it was nonsense (sort of the nod at your bosses idea and get on with your job thing)..
Some of his comments about twitter code sound almost exactly like someone took the old BOFH excuse generator and updated it with new nonsense options.

*Which is what you expect when you offer large amounts of credit with no affordability checks.
Oh.... so he either was told bad info on the guy or he's saying he was told bad info to cover for his love of trying to humiliate staff on his twitter. Who would have thought talking rather than using "The Truth" would be a better option. You'd think a genius would know this.

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