The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Where’s all the hate and jealousy for Bernard Arnault ? He is richer than Musk so surely everyone should hate him if it’s a jealousy thing, but wait… no one really cares about him because he doesn’t endlessly attention whore online like a teenager

There was a large increase in hate towards Elon Musk when he called for peace in unforgiveable sin and then went further and said he wanted to stop funding Starlink in Ukraine. Oh no

$20,000,000 a month on Starlink and as soon as he said no more all the warmongers went into a rage and clearly they still haven't got over it as demonstrated by the comments in this thread.

Also all you lot who call Elon Musk an idiot will probably be able to tell me what this one word is?
You will know who he is, he is known as the big guy and he takes a 10% cut.

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when he called for peace in Ukraine
do you often find yourself struggling to understand what the words that were said? were there too many or did you not get it? the beauty of it being a tweet is that you can reread it many times, break it down into smaller chunks so it's easier to digest.

Do you want to have another try to understand what the tweet said? or were you really knowingly just misrepresenting what elon actually said, lied to make a false point, in the defence of poor elon?

hmm i wonder which it actually was. amnesia lied to make elon look better, or can't read elons tweet?
do you often find yourself struggling to understand what the words that were said? were there too many or did you not get it? the beauty of it being a tweet is that you can reread it many times, break it down into smaller chunks so it's easier to digest.

Do you want to have another try to understand what the tweet said? or were you really knowingly just misrepresenting what elon actually said, lied to make a false point, in the defence of poor elon?

hmm i wonder which it actually was. amnesia lied to make elon look better, or can't read elons tweet?


Are you still struggling to understand the words or purposefully misrepresenting Elon's words so that you can defend poor Elon? There aren't that many words there in his post to get confused by.

Is there any in particular that you don't understand? Maybe we can explain them one by one for you? Will that help?

Of course it won't, because you know what Elon's post says, but you want to defend Elon so pretend what happened, and pretend that people got upset with Elon just because...

he called for peace in Ukraine

Which to anyone with an IQ knows the truth.

Let us know if you need any of this big words explained to you.
Are you still struggling to understand the words or purposefully misrepresenting Elon's words so that you can defend poor Elon? There aren't that many words there in his post to get confused by.

Is there any in particular that you don't understand? Maybe we can explain them one by one for you? Will that help?

Of course it won't, because you know what Elon's post says, but you want to defend Elon so pretend what happened, and pretend that people got upset with Elon just because...

Which to anyone with an IQ knows the truth.

Let us know if you need any of this big words explained to you.

When you explain how the word PEACE doesnt mean the word PEACE to me also be sure to include some of the major news outlets too, unbelievably THEY ALSO READ THE WORD PEACE AS PEACE AND USED IT IN THEIR TITLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOCK AND SO MUCH HORROR LOL.





That would be why he signed the giving pledge to donate at least half his assets to charity, has donated billions previously and seems to dedicate a large poriton of his efforts towards helping humanity. You may well disagree with him or his views on this for example but he's clearly concerned about freedom of speech and that was his motive re: Twitter as the leaked texts show... whether you agree with him or not the intent is there.

Likewise, he's concerned about AI safety, keen on pushing for an expedition to mars and sees space exploration as important to the future survival of humanity.

There are plenty of things to criticize about him so it seems rather silly that there are often just pointless attempts at dunks like this claim that he's a psychopath or people trying to make out that he wasn't self-made, or downplay his role in founding Tesla etc.

Why would a psychopath care about humanity or care to make a significant pledge like that or want to buy Twitter and protect "freedom of speech" *even if you disagree with his viewpoint on what does/doesn't count there*. The guy has his values and beliefs and is, in his eyes, trying to do the right thing.

A psychopath could have been happy being a centi-millionaire after PayPal and would have never had to work again, or indeed could have done the VC thing for a little while and become a single-digit billionaire and again not had to work again. They'd not necessarily have any lofty goals re: helping the rest of humanity, why would they care about humanity if they're a psychopath...

Lots of people have signed that pledge and done no actual donating, its virtue signalling. Elon gets tax breaks on the donation he has made and they are a tiny fraction of his wealth and I believe most are to his own foundation. There is no sacrifice in that.

Seems he cares about some free speech. The texts showed he cared about the likes of Catturd being banned. An account that loves spreading nutty CT and who Elon loves interacting with. He hasn't cared about giving all the Twitter files info to independent journalists, just his hand picked ones that now admit they were supplied with the information by a third party that decided what they received.

We are all concerned about AI safety, wow what a guy.

Mars is a pipe dream.

Here is a psychopathic checklist, there are other similar ones out there. Each of the 20 items in the PCL-R is scored on a three-point scale, with a rating of 0 if it does not apply at all, 1 if there is a partial match or mixed information, and 2 if there is a reasonably good match. Out of a maximum score of 40, the cut-off for the label of psychopathy is 30 in the United States and 25 in the United Kingdom

  • Item 1: Glibness/superficial charm -2
  • Item 2: Grandiose sense of self-worth -2
  • Item 3: Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom -2
  • Item 4: Pathological lying -2
  • Item 5: Cunning/manipulative -2
  • Item 6: Lack of remorse or guilt -2
  • Item 7: Shallow affect -2
  • Item 8: Callous/lack of empathy -2
  • Item 9: Parasitic lifestyle -1
  • Item 10: Poor behavioral controls -2
  • Item 11: Promiscuous sexual behavior -2
  • Item 12: Early behavior problems-0
  • Item 13: Lack of realistic long-term goals -2
  • Item 14: Impulsivity -2
  • Item 15: Irresponsibility -2
  • Item 16: Failure to accept responsibility for own actions -2
  • Item 17: Many short-term marital relationships -2
  • Item 18: Juvenile delinquency -0
  • Item 19: Revocation of conditional release -0
  • Item 20: Criminal versatility -0
I'd give him a pass on 12, 18 because we don't know much about his childhood, he had some issues we do know about but so do many kids. Also 19 and 20, even though he does seem to enjoy flouting the law with his runs in with the SEC and labour laws etc. That still comes out at 31.

Psychopath would be happy with being a centi-miilionaire? Sorry do you know what a psychopath is? They don't suddenly feel fulfilled and act like a normal human being because they made some money. I don't think he does care about humanity, you are claiming he does.
Amnesia is just still butt hurt he got banned from the Ukranian war thread, so has to shoe horn his pro-Russia stance in wherever he gets.

If he's not allowed an alternative opinion to what is claimed to be that of the majority, "General Discussion" is an inappropriate name for this forum. "Total Enforced Agreement" would be more apt.
If he's not allowed an alternative opinion to what is claimed to be that of the majority, "General Discussion" is an inappropriate name for this forum. "Total Enforced Agreement" would be more apt.

Pretty sure you can be pro-russian and not be banned from that thread.

I would say the issue is the pro-russian material they have to work with is absolute garbage and they're not selective enough.
Pretty sure you can be pro-russian and not be banned from that thread.

I would say the issue is the pro-russian material they have to work with is absolute garbage and they're not selective enough.

Hmm, that's a bit sweeping, if the pro Western material was that good this would have been all over a few weeks after it started and Russia would be pleading forgiveness and mercy :)

In a war propaganda is very prevalent on all sides, and its acceptance as Gospel can be lacking critique by all, it's the nature of the beast.
Lots of people have signed that pledge and done no actual donating, its virtue signalling. Elon gets tax breaks on the donation he has made and they are a tiny fraction of his wealth and I believe most are to his own foundation. There is no sacrifice in that.

That's because plenty of them are still running successful companies!

As for a tax break on charity donations... *everyone* gets a tax break on charity donations, what are you even trying to highlight there? Unless you think there is some way he's gained from them (in which case detail how) you're still donating the money.

If you want to donate to charity in the UK then just tick the gift aid box to make up the amount and there you go, you've had a tax break. You still had to donate something!

Seems he cares about some free speech. The texts showed he cared about the likes of Catturd being banned. An account that loves spreading nutty CT and who Elon loves interacting with. He hasn't cared about giving all the Twitter files info to independent journalists, just his hand picked ones that now admit they were supplied with the information by a third party that decided what they received.

Now you're adding in confusion about how journalists work and conflating your own personal beliefs re: what should and shouldn't be protected under free speech re: a social medial platform... ergo totally missing the point even when it was explicitly spelled out that that point was being made re: the principle even if you disagree with how he assesses free speech.
There was a large increase in hate towards Elon Musk when he called for peace in unforgiveable sin and then went further and said he wanted to stop funding Starlink in Ukraine. Oh no

$20,000,000 a month on Starlink and as soon as he said no more all the warmongers went into a rage and clearly they still haven't got over it as demonstrated by the comments in this thread.

Also all you lot who call Elon Musk an idiot will probably be able to tell me what this one word is?
You will know who he is, he is known as the big guy and he takes a 10% cut.

That isn't peace, its surrender. He also called for Taiwan to give up part of its country to appease the Chinese. Anything to keep the money rolling in, who cares that Ukraine and Taiwan would have to surrender their sovereignty to invaders, that Russia had raped, murdered and kidnapped children. You should change your username to Appeaser

Its been shown the US and Europe has covered the costs of Starlink. He also sent them the old mk1 dish that they were no longer supplying to customers and had sat around. So he actually did really well out of it, managed to shift some old stock he couldn't ship to customers and got paid for them. Happy days for Elon. Then there was the publicity on every news channel that advertising money couldn't buy.
That's because plenty of them are still running successful companies!

As for a tax break on charity donations... *everyone* gets a tax break on charity donations, what are you even trying to highlight there? Unless you think there is some way he's gained from them (in which case detail how) you're still donating the money.

If you want to donate to charity in the UK then just tick the gift aid box to make up the amount and there you go, you've had a tax break. You still had to donate something!

So it is virtue signalling then. He's pledged it but not given it. I can pledge half my money to charity but not give it, oh look what an amazing humanitarian I am.

Yes I know he gets the tax break and so do others. He earned a **** load of money from taking Tesla stock options, he was facing a massive tax bill and was able to reduce it by giving to charity. There are other billionaires out there actually doing real good with their money, not just giving because they were facing a massive tax bill.

Now you're adding in confusion about how journalists work and conflating your own personal beliefs re: what should and shouldn't be protected under free speech re: a social medial platform... ergo totally missing the point even when it was explicitly spelled out that that point was being made re: the principle even if you disagree with how he assesses free speech.

I think you are a little confused. We were led to believe the Twitter Files journalists had had access to everything and had gone through everything, like how you would expect a proper journalistic investigation to be done. Now we know that isn't the case, they were selectively given documents by another party. That isn't what what we were sold.

If Elon really cared about truth, free speech and openness he would have handed everything over to the likes of the NYT, Washington Post, The Times and The Guardian, papers that have a long history of trawling though masses of documents and reporting on it. That isn't what he did though, he hand picked 3 people, 2 of which are hardly up their as respected impartial journalists and they delivered what he wanted.

So you can keep your "he believes in free speech". He believes in some free speech. He also believes Qanon Shaman did nothing wrong and shouldn't have been sent to jail, talk about taking the red pill. He need to lay off the pills or maybe just take the right kind.
So it is virtue signalling then. He's pledged it but not given it. I can pledge half my money to charity but not give it, oh look what an amazing humanitarian I am.

No, again, it's plenty of them are still running successful companies! You seem to have fundamentally understood the pledge it's a lifetime thing, he's (at least in his mind) still contributing towards humanity via these companies with lofty ambitions like space exploration, electric cars etc.. so long as he ends up giving half his assets away then that's it, pledge fulfilled.

Again not exactly psychopathic behaviour!

Yes I know he gets the tax break and so do others. He earned a **** load of money from taking Tesla stock options, he was facing a massive tax bill and was able to reduce it by giving to charity.

You've just thrown in a handwaving claim there for a second time with no clear explanation of what you're actually referring to? How did he reduce his tax bill?

Donations to charity are exempt from tax in both the US and UK if you earn £80,000 in the UK but decide you'd like to donate £67,430 to charity pre-tax then you will also reduce your tax bill... in fact, you'd pay no income tax at all that year as you'd only earn the tax free allowance of £12,570, you've still given the money away, you don't gain anything from avoiding the tax personally!

That tax provision (being able to gift money pre-tax) is there to benefit the charities - so what exactly are you trying to claim here re: Elon's tax bill reduction?
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That tax provision (being able to gift money pre-tax) is there to benefit the charities - so what exactly are you trying to claim here re: Elon's tax bill reduction
My view, regardless of it being done by Elon or any other billionaire, is that they may do it to gain the title of "look at me I give so much to charity already, x million/billion last year, you don't need to tax me more, I'm so generous as it is" this has been said, and in fact I remember Elon saying about him not needing to pay more tax, because one year he paid the most tax amount anyone had, but ignores the actual percentage of his earnings which was still low.

If the tax benefit wasn't there, then you'd see a massive reduction and find they aren't as generous as people try to claim they are when defending them. Wouldn't you agree with that last point? In that people claim some wealthy person is generous because they give x amount to charity, but then if the tax break wasn't there, they wouldn't give as much if anything, kind of means they aren't actually as generous as being claimed, especially as it comes at a cost to the tax payers in that billionairs pay no tax, £25k a year earners pay 33 percent tax, even if the charity donation equals the tax amount they would have paid.

BTW don't get me confused thinking I share the exact same views as colonel here.
If the tax benefit wasn't there, then you'd see a massive reduction and find they aren't as generous as people try to claim they are when defending them. Wouldn't you agree with that last point? In that people claim some wealthy person is generous because they give x amount to charity, but then if the tax break wasn't there, they wouldn't give as much if anything

That's unclear, re: the last bit "if anything" I don't see why they wouldn't donate and you're not really providing a reason why they wouldn't, the tax break is there to help the charity.

Would their donation be less if the tax break wasn't there? Quite possibly yes in most cases, by definition... and that applies to everyone who ticks the gift aid box or agrees to a regular payroll donation too, the charity benefits from a larger donation as the donation is pre-tax essentially.

I'm not sure how it follows that they'd not donate at all, the donation on their part doesn't need cost any more in a situation with no tax break than it cost when tax breaks are given as far as general donations are concerned, the difference is the charity gets less. I guess in terms of fixed cost donations whether that's building a new library at their old uni or donating the 50k a make a wish kid needs for some operation etc.. then it does mean that the donation now costs more to make; donation amount + the income tax on that amount but it doesn't follow that they're now going to not make donations like that... the biggest cost is still the donation itself.

I mean would you personally stop donating to charities if the UK government stopped the tax breaks (gift aid and/or payroll giving etc..)? Or would it just mean that say your regular £X donation to [some good cause] is now post-tax and costs you more or doesn't have gift aid applied so costs the charity more?
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That's unclear, re: the last bit "if anything" I don't see why they wouldn't donate and you're not really providing a reason why they wouldn't, the tax break is there to help the charity.

Would their donation be less if the tax break wasn't there? Quite possibly yes in most cases, by definition... and that applies to everyone who ticks the gift aid box or agrees to a regular payroll donation too, the charity benefits from a larger donation as the donation is pre-tax essentially.

I'm not sure how it follows that they'd not donate at all, the donation on their part doesn't need cost any more in a situation with no tax break than it cost when tax breaks are given as far as general donations are concerned, the difference is the charity gets less. I guess in terms of fixed cost donations whether that's building a new library at their old uni or donating the 50k a make a wish kid needs for some operation etc.. then it does mean that the donation now costs more to make; donation amount + the income tax on that amount but it doesn't follow that they're now going to not make donations like that... the biggest cost is still the donation itself.

I mean would you personally stop donating to charities if the UK government stopped the tax breaks (gift aid and/or payroll giving etc..)? Or would it just mean that say your regular £X donation to [some good cause] is now post-tax and costs you more or doesn't have gift aid applied so costs the charity more?
Do you know how the tax reduction works with charity donations? As I don't entirely so I'm happy to have it clarified.

My understanding was that, say you owe £86k in tax, and you've given £86k in charity, you now owe nothing in tax. Obviously America could be different

So now you have some super rich guy, thinking if I just donate this money instead, people on a forum will say how generous I am and fight for me to pay less tax come election time and there's 2 candidates and one says let's tax the wealthy more, and the other says let's rax the wealthy less, and it doesn't me anything extra.

I've heard stories of billionaires paying £50k to an artist to create some art piece. They then get it valued at £200k, and then donste that art, and now get a £200k tax break on a £50k cost, and again, forum users boast about how generous that person is, so it's a win win. It happens then more with paying for schools etc. I'm not sure how accurate it is though but I've read about situations like that over the years.
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Do you know how the tax reduction works with charity donations? As I don't entirely so I'm happy to have it clarified.

My understanding was that, say you owe £86k in tax, and you've given £86k in charity, you now owe nothing in tax.

No that's false.

So now you have some super rich guy, thinking if I just donate this money instead, people on a forum will say how generous I am and fight for me to pay less tax come election time and there's 2 candidates and one says let's tax the wealthy more, and the other says let's rax the wealthy less, and it doesn't me anything extra.

Yup, that's a misunderstanding.

If you owed 80-somthingK in tax then you're probably earning like 220k-ish.

If you're earning 220k and you donate 80k to charity pre-tax (like from payroll donations) then you're now earning £140k... and if you're earning £140k then you owe the tax man about 50k or so...

So yes you reduced you tax bill but you've gone from owing the tax man 80k to donating 80k + owing the tax man 50k... net result is you've gone from having 140k after tax to having just 90k after tax and the charity donation... there is also national insurance due too in both cases.
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