The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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It's the very definition of an echo chamber, with opposite views ruthlessly stamped on by dozens of online bullies who are only interested in removing every viewpoint that dares to disagree with theirs in even the slightest of ways, irrespective on what is being said is true or not, with a vehemence which makes it seem like a modern day form of the 1930's Brown Shirts.

It's a shame that OcUK allow it to exist in its current form because when that echo chamber spills out into GD (as per the Ukraine thread) it ruins everything it touches but I can understand the decision to give them their own area, in an attempt to keep their vitriol contained.
What are you afraid of - facts vs feels - facts always win.

edited because too harsh :D
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What are you afraid of - facts vs feels - facts always win.

edited because too harsh :D

They don't win over the voters in many elections though, so addressing "feels" in a respectful manner might further the predominant but currently unsatisfied desires of the majority of SC and other politically skewed forums' participants ;)
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They don't win over the voters in many elections though, so addressing "feels" in a respectful manner might further the predominant but currently unsatisfied desires of the majority of SC and other politically skewed forums' participants ;)

That is because a massive chunk of the electorate are idiots. Its why populists do so well in so many elections.
Where did I say that? I'm just saying the image he's selling of some Mars base is fiction, it is not going to happen. Its as much a fiction as the Moon base and space stations the public being told would happen in the 1960s early 70s.

This below is what Elon sells as his Mars base, it won't happen in Elon's lifetime. I'm a year older than him and I won't see that happen. I'm a massive supporter of space exploration, I'm a big SpaceX fan but I know its all to be taken with barrow loads of salt. We might see a permanent human presence on the Moon in the next 20 years but it will be like the ISS, a tiny crew of specialists. SpaceX I'm sure will play a part in that but the Moon is 3 days away and we can get there in an emergency in 3 days no matter what the month of the year. Mars is 9 months away and you can only do it once every 2 years. If anything mission critical happens its a death sentence, there is no rescue coming, we will maybe be able to collect the bodies.


I would like to see him put some of his considerable wealth and intellect into the Earth and its problems, rather than nonsense like The Boring Company, Hyperloop and Neurolink. Do something about real problems Elon, there are children going blind every year, there are infrastructure projects that could transform nations and help lift people out of poverty. Help women around the world take control of their reproductive cycle, nothing is better at lifting women out of poverty than that. No they aren't flashy, no they don't feed his ego, though they should, what could be better than actually helping people change their lives?

Why don't you?

Musk has done more for underprivileged than anyone else in this forum, and probably more than 99% of anyone else.

So what if he wants to have some projects that he is passionate about.

I like that he thinks further ahead, something that can be done outside of his life expectancy. It's nice to see someone think further ahead, rightly or wrongly.
Why don't you?

Musk has done more for underprivileged than anyone else in this forum, and probably more than 99% of anyone else.

So what if he wants to have some projects that he is passionate about.

I like that he thinks further ahead, something that can be done outside of his life expectancy. It's nice to see someone think further ahead, rightly or wrongly.

Why don't I what?

What has he done for the underprivileged exactly? Considering there are no multi billionaires on this forum I would expect so. I donate to 2 charities every month and have done so now for nearly 20 years, its into 5 figures now. I wonder how much as a percentage of my income compared to his income he has donated to help others less privileged. And not just for tax breaks, real sacrifice. That 99% as a percentage of wealth compared to others I'd like to see backed up.

Because there is so much that could be done here and he is in a position very few others are to make a real difference. If he put as much passion into projects on Earth to help people actually alive today he could change lives and communities for generations. There are no shortage of things he could do, they just aren't flashy.
Why don't I what?

What has he done for the underprivileged exactly? Considering there are no multi billionaires on this forum I would expect so. I donate to 2 charities every month and have done so now for nearly 20 years, its into 5 figures now. I wonder how much as a percentage of my income compared to his income he has donated to help others less privileged. And not just for tax breaks, real sacrifice. That 99% as a percentage of wealth compared to others I'd like to see backed up.

Because there is so much that could be done here and he is in a position very few others are to make a real difference. If he put as much passion into projects on Earth to help people actually alive today he could change lives and communities for generations. There are no shortage of things he could do, they just aren't flashy.

Why should he? He doesn't owe anyone anything?

A quick Google will show what he's done.
Why should he? He doesn't owe anyone anything?

A quick Google will show what he's done.

Well he claims to care about humanity, he sells himself as a humanitarian. You'd think a humanitarian would be helping his fellow humans when their wealth is off the chart. For pocket change at his scale of wealth he could do so much good.

I'm not saying don't develop Starship, Starship is SpaceX future. Just do stuff here rather than some pipe dream that isn't going to happen. Humans aren't colonising Mars. Its like fusion, will always be 30 years away. In fact fusion will happen long before we colonise Mars.
To be fair it's not as incestuous as AVForums' politics section, which appears to be a conglomerate of frustrated divorcees, militant Trotskyists and civil servants, sexual deviants and work shy scroungers.

One only has to see the wealth of outraged opinions on the forum cited on Trust Pilot, where the only positive words on their politics section come from the site owner or the moderators themselves.

Only the meekest, mildest and most timidly presented right leaning comments are tolerated, any robust support of any right leaning thought or action results in a permanent ban, self perpetuating the echo chamber, which becomes in effect a safe space for its members to masturbate as one in, insulated from reality and confrontation.

Chris, we talked about your misuse of commas before. I'm not angry, just disappointed.

Use a full stop. It will make you feel better (that should have been a full stop. lol) and also make your dross more chewable in easier, bite-sized chunks (< that is an indication of appropriate comma usage which you do show but rarely)

Well he claims to care about humanity, he sells himself as a humanitarian. You'd think a humanitarian would be helping his fellow humans when their wealth is off the chart. For pocket change at his scale of wealth he could do so much good.

I'm not saying don't develop Starship, Starship is SpaceX future. Just do stuff here rather than some pipe dream that isn't going to happen. Humans aren't colonising Mars. Its like fusion, will always be 30 years away. In fact fusion will happen long before we colonise Mars.

What do you expect from him?

He did give nearly 6 billion last year. He's also helped supplying batteries to places without power, cleansing water in Africa and Flint etc. He's got the most successful electric car company, increased space exploration both of which could lead to lots of discoveries in the future.

What do you actually want him to do? Considering he has actually done a lot, even if you read some of the comments in this thread you'd think he hasn't.
What do you expect from him?

He did give nearly 6 billion last year. He's also helped supplying batteries to places without power, cleansing water in Africa and Flint etc. He's got the most successful electric car company, increased space exploration both of which could lead to lots of discoveries in the future.

What do you actually want him to do? Considering he has actually done a lot, even if you read some of the comments in this thread you'd think he hasn't.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find many people who do worse than credit him where it's due, but also think he's an absolute ass hat who has made some laughable business decisions too.

My personal opinion is he has an incredibly narrow window of real laser intelligence and outside of that he's not that bright. He's also got some unpleasant character traits, extreme narcissism probably being the underpinning reason.
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