But you keep making up strawman arguments, dont you?
They don't operate the same model. Ive said that in a previous post. But they are both platforms for connecting consumers and businesses, they are not very different in that respect. Again, it seems you are just being deliberately obtuse, maintaining that Twitter should be free whilst Youtube taking 50% of ad revenue is fine, it's seems utterly insane.
How do you manage to cram so much fail into one post.
Im not strawmanning at all, your the one who keeps going look over there a squirrel when your "arguments" are debunked. Throw in another non specific word or term to cloud the issue.
I haven't argued against twitter charging at all ever. I mean I think its a dumb idea but thats not to say it won't work maybe it will.
One thing I know though is that convincing people to pay for something that was previously free is like practically the hardest sell ever.
Musks problem is the people who were paying, are by accounts now not paying in droves. So hes looking to get someone else to pay, and those people are used to not paying, and also recognise that without them twitter is worthless.
The medium is kind of irrelevant.
Anyway I am really out.
I don't actually tweet that much, so no I don't care if my tweets get buried. I do care that others tweets that I might find interesting get buried. Some of the people I follow just randomly popped up on my feed, those days are gone unless they pay.
The man is one of the best selling authors of all time and he needs Twitter
I use twitter to follow and engage with some people like Bram Cohen. Its a useful medium but I only joined semi recently and I am sure if twitter was no more he would just use another medium.
The other thing I use it for is engaging with some companies, either for bad reasons or because it seems the immediacy of twitter means they put more effort into that than say email or phone.
Its annoying but it is what it is. You can guarantee seeing a response to a tweet way faster than an email. They don't like to be seen to be not replying to a complaint on Twitter where as they are happy to ignore the same details in an email.
So whilst I think it sucks, you have to be in it to win it.
I still struggle to see how enough people will pay to make a dent in whats been screwed up so far.