The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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That would be a great example if it was in any way remotely similar.

That is just you being rather disingenuous.
Elon Musk offered a peace plan, just because one side or even both do not agree to the terms of it, that does not change what it is.

Yes the majority did not agree with it but 40% of who voted agreed with it, so it really wasn't as far fetched as you lot are making out.
Ah redo the elections of an area that has had most of the non russian supporters killed, driven out, or relocated and the remainder knowing that they will be targetted if they are found to have voted against the great and wonderful Putin.

The original "elections" were an utter farce done at gunpoint and with highly obvious and visible fraud.
That is just you being rather disingenuous.
Elon Musk offered a peace plan, just because one side or even both do not agree to the terms of it, that does not change what it is.

Yes the majority did not agree with it but 40% of who voted agreed with it, so it really wasn't as far fetched as you lot are making out.

It's nothing to do with whether people agree with the terms, it's that it's being dressed up as something it's not.

Listing out what amounts to terms of surrender for Ukraine and writing 'Peace' at the top, doesn't change what it is.
It's nothing to do with whether people agree with the terms, it's that it's being dressed up as something it's not.

Listing out what amounts to terms of surrender for Ukraine and writing 'Peace' at the top, doesn't change what it is.

I'm going around in circles and as I have repeated many times now, just because you do not like the terms of an offer it does not change the fact that an offer was made.
40% of the people actually agreed to these terms and thought they were fair, of course if you spend a lot of time in the Ukraine thread you can become quite delusional and gain a false sense of reality into believing Crimea will be taken and Santa will become real and every Christmas he will fly over Ukraine throwing presents from the sky.

My advice would be to those who find Elons peace proposal to be a "sham"(the word you were all looking for) is to get a more balanced news source. The end result will not be very different from that proposed resolution.

Enough said from me on the topic.
I'm going around in circles and as I have repeated many times now, just because you do not like the terms of an offer it does not change the fact that an offer was made.
40% of the people actually agreed to these terms and thought they were fair, of course if you spend a lot of time in the Ukraine thread you can become quite delusional and gain a false sense of reality into believing Crimea will be taken and Santa will become real and every Christmas he will fly over Ukraine throwing presents from the sky.

My advice would be to those who find Elons peace proposal to be a "sham"(the word you were all looking for) is to get a more balanced news source. The end result will not be very different from that proposed resolution.

Enough said from me on the topic.

Still salty about being kicked out of that thread I see.
Funnily enough Twitter now that anyone posting something that isn't extremely favourable to Ukraine does not instantly get banned.
You can follow people from both sides and get a more balanced view as to what is going on rather than just believing one side is absolutely destroying the other.

Do you have any recommendations for actual specific news sources that I could choose to follow on Twitter?

(For clarity, i'd prefer actual verifiable news sources that would be expected to adhere to some sort of standards, not random people/accounts on Twitter)
Recieving public funding or funding from a third party but throwing a tantrum when it is


NPR showed their working. They saw Elon saying he'd change their label to publicly funded but because Elon is showing he is perfectly happy to interfere and "label" entire accounts as he sees fit they don't want the risk of his whims near them any more.

They're a large organisation that doesn't need Twitter, why do they have to deal with this BS of the owner gluing his opinions next to their posts, they don't, they left.

Every time someone withdraws support Elon can't help snapping into child mode and throwing dirt at them. Oh it wasn't his fault, it was their fault, blame them.
Do you have any recommendations for actual specific news sources that I could choose to follow on Twitter?

(For clarity, i'd prefer actual verifiable news sources that would be expected to adhere to some sort of standards, not random people/accounts on Twitter)

No there is a massive propaganda war from both sides so you have to be cautious about what you read in the mainstream media.
It's not usually what they report but the stuff they miss out, it can be quite misleading.
No there is a massive propaganda war from both sides so you have to be cautious about what you read in the mainstream media.
It's not usually what they report but the stuff they miss out, it can be quite misleading.

So the answer to getting a 'more balanced' news source is to ignore anything that might be held to any kind of journalistic integrity and just start listening to whoever and whatever pops up when I search any given topic on Twitter?
I wrote

You read that as

Cool, good talk and as I said earlier to you

I asked if you had some specific sources that you'd recommend, you said 'No' and proceeded to waffle about being cautious with mainstream media.

If you have these 'more balanced' sources that you suggested earlier that we should be reading, please just say what they are.

So far the only answer of any substance you've actually given is to 'use Twitter'.

That's why i'm interpreting your position as I am, you've given no reason to do otherwise.
There's going to be a few pubs short of stock soon given the amount of...

"I can say the dumbest thing"
"Hold my beer."

...going on in this thread.

Good job Roar's got massive arms to hold them all.
If Obama suggested a peace plan they'd want to give him the Nobel prize immediately

If Obama suggest a deal that involved Russia getting everything it wanted and Ukraine losing huge portions of its country then I'd call Obama an idiot who should give his head a wobble and I'd also suggest journalists look into whether he has some secret bank accounts that had just received a nice fat payment.
I think you're confused though because a peace plan would naturally require concessions, you seem to want a peace plan to essentially be "keep on fighting" or "Russia gives up and leaves" - those obviously aren't realistic peace plans, they're just a continuation of the status quo. Any peace plan put forward by Obama or anyone else would require concessions to Russia that would seem unpalatable yet necessary to stop the actual fighting.

Elon's plan had zero concessions from Russia, they won and Ukraine lost, that is it.
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