The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Again Roar, in the real world you don't take what people say as meaning they will actually do it. You verify it.
He demostratably is not doing so, see for example as discussed Germany.
He hasnt complied with employment law, with contract law, again demostratable fact.

It's also demonstrable (as in the word "demonstrate") that people have been kicked off the platform for hate speech.
Ah you seem a bit confused

A certain demographic thinks they should be able to say what they want. Its when someone applies a lesser version back to them they get all uppity.

I have literally seen someone shout racist xenophobic drivel at someone and take massive offence to then being called a racist xenophobe, which was technically correct.

Right, yes. Thank you for the correction :)
It absolutely proves that hate speech is a tiny amount of the total number of Tweets...
All the study shows is that there was an increase of hateful Tweets, as specified by the researchers criteria, in a 12 hour period in a limited dataset that spanned 141 hours (Oct 22 2PM to Oct 28 11AM).

Would it be nice if that study included the total number of Tweets sent/added to the platform in the same period? Definitely.
But you can't form another conclusion by attempting to shoehorn this studies data with some arbitrary daily figure, which can't easily be explained, because you just end up with a meaningless result that is just an assumption at the very best.

As said, the study is what it is.
Indeed he was a sucker because he agreed to do an interview without time to prepare.

Source for the woke part though or are you just assuming?

The part about hate speech was a bit of a give away, also, the BBC..... lol

He basically lied to Elon's face and when challenged, quickly changed his story. It was comical.

Elon is entirely correct, it all depends on what you define as hate speech Hate speech, the kind the woke mob target is not hate speech, it's free speech.
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All the study shows is that there was an increase of hateful Tweets, as specified by the researchers criteria, in a 12 hour period in a limited dataset that spanned 141 hours (Oct 22 2PM to Oct 28 11AM).

Would it be nice if that study included the total number of Tweets sent/added to the platform in the same period? Definitely.
But you can't form another conclusion by attempting to shoehorn this studies data with some arbitrary daily figure, which can't easily be explained, because you just end up with a meaningless result that is just an assumption at the very best.

As said, the study is what it is.
Aye they're probably monitoring a relatively small number of accounts to see the patterns, as that is about the only way to do it in any form of controlled way, and the study will have included it's exact methodology so it can be compared/repeated again (depending on funding and access).

Given Musk has pulled all of the free tools that Twitter used to make available for researchers I suspect there won't be many more potentially embarrassing studies in the patterns of such thing for Musk, as the lowest cost access now is far beyond what even some large projects would be able to afford, let alone the smaller ones (iirc musk's starting rates are the equivalent of at least one staff member for many such projects and rapidly ramp up).
No idea, I don't really care what Germanys hate speech laws are. Perhaps Germany should get over it's post WW2 guilt and stop being so pathetic.

My god man are you for real? Germany should forget what happened there and not take steps to make sure it never happens again? Germany is an example to the world of a country that fully accepts history, doesn't attempt to white wash it and will never let its citizens forget what can happen if such ideology is left unchecked. If only Russia took the same responsibility after murdering 10s of millions while it was the head of the USSR. If they had maybe Ukraine wouldn't be happening now.
Aye they're probably monitoring a relatively small number of accounts to see the patterns, as that is about the only way to do it in any form of controlled way, and the study will have included it's exact methodology so it can be compared/repeated again (depending on funding and access).

Given Musk has pulled all of the free tools that Twitter used to make available for researchers I suspect there won't be many more potentially embarrassing studies in the patterns of such thing for Musk, as the lowest cost access now is far beyond what even some large projects would be able to afford, let alone the smaller ones (iirc musk's starting rates are the equivalent of at least one staff member for many such projects and rapidly ramp up).

Exactly, if they can't get the data then they can't publish data that could hurt Twitter and Musk.
Aye they're probably monitoring a relatively small number of accounts to see the patterns, as that is about the only way to do it in any form of controlled way, and the study will have included it's exact methodology so it can be compared/repeated again (depending on funding and access).

Given Musk has pulled all of the free tools that Twitter used to make available for researchers I suspect there won't be many more potentially embarrassing studies in the patterns of such thing for Musk, as the lowest cost access now is far beyond what even some large projects would be able to afford, let alone the smaller ones (iirc musk's starting rates are the equivalent of at least one staff member for many such projects and rapidly ramp up).
Sure and i would argue it is a flawed study to some degree, especially given the limited size of the dataset and probable constraints.

As you say though, it's unlikely we'll see any worthwhile research around Twitter for the foreseeable given the API changes which is a bit of a shame but there we are ¯\\\_(ツ)_///¯.
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Imagine thinking legislators doing nothing is a good thing. Voters elect their representatives to do things for them and their country. Though you're probably happy with nothing being done when you're a billionaire, screw the people who actually need their government to function, they are just plebs.

Musk isn't even addressing the issue. He just sidesteps with a glib response that fails to meet Jeffries' challenge.

It's not 'what have extreme MAGA Republicans done', it's 'what have extreme MAGA Republicans done for the American people.'

Extreme MAGA Republicans have been doing plenty: banning abortion, restricting trans rights, etc. But those things do not benefit the American people. So no, Musk, they have not been doing nada, they've been making life harder for Americans.
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Even if you accept questions about hate speech are evidence that the BBC is left wing, I don't, how is Tucker Carlson even the right wing equivalent of the BBC?
Left/right mean different things in different places, it's all relative. It's not surprising that the average person in the UK believes Tucker to be ultra right and the BBC to not be left wing. We have a different political landscape. It's the same reason why we find gun ownership so hard to get our heads around, compared to the average US citizen.
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