The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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People SHOULD, doesn't mean they do. Humans are lazy, selfish, and destructive without intervention. Religion, to a degree, changes this and gives people a purpose. Just because someone should do something, doesn't stop them doing it, hence why were always at war, rape still exist, places are robbed, poverty exists, slavery exists.

As a whole religion is a good thing, because it tries to teach right from wrong or it utilises fear (heaven/hell and so on) to train humans to step away from being *****.

Humans were doing fine for over a hundred thousand years before any sort of religion was invented. Given humans have always been at war and doing **** to each other, often in the very name of religion (crusades anyone?) it becomes fairly obvious that religious beliefs don’t stop people doing bad stuff. And if they only reason you choose not to rape someone is because you’re worried about what an invisible god might do to you, then you’re still a ****** human being.

Do bad things, bad things will happen to you - treat others as you’d like to be treated. It’s not a difficult concept, and we don’t need mass cults to figure that out.
The actual reason many of left leaning persuasion are so anti religion as to mock those who gain succour from it is they wish to wrest the control of the church away as they see it as a threat to their secular, anti nationalistic, anti independent thought and action "utopia". It's the reason the EU have this clearly stated:

"The EU is a secular body with a separation of church and state. There are no formal ties to any religion and no mention of any specific religion in any current or proposed treaty."

Can't have any powers seeping away to the churches, so they pretend they are being magnanimous in distancing themselves from any representation of religious bodies amongst their ranks, but that's not the real reason at all... Religion goes against their dream of a monolithic and soulless giant state.
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The actual reason many of left leaning persuasion are so anti religion as to mock those who gain succour from it is they wish to wrest the control of the church away as they see it as a threat to their secular, anti nationalistic, anti independent thought and action "utopia". It's the reason the EU have this clearly stated:

"The EU is a secular body with a separation of church and state. There are no formal ties to any religion and no mention of any specific religion in any current or proposed treaty."

Can't have any powers seeping away to the churches, so they pretend they are being magnanimous in distancing themselves from any representation of religious bodies amongst their ranks, but that's not the real reason at all... Religion goes against their dream of a monolithic and soulless giant state.
People as individuals can think and believe whatever they want - a state religion is worse than a government influenced by any religion. Even the US figured this out when it was made, and included the separation of church and state in the Constitution having seen the trouble it caused in Europe.
The reason the EU doesn't recognise one specific church will be simple, which church would it recognise? The RC, the Greek Orthodox, the Russian Orthodox (IIRC also practiced outside of Russia), the protestants, the COE, any one of about half a dozen others and those are just the Christian sects, ignoring the Jewish faith, or the Mulsims (who have been active in parts of Europe for a couple of thousand years).

They don't recognise a religion because they know exactly how many of the wars in Europe have been down to what were often minor religious differences and the atrocities that were committed with relgion being the excuse.

Having said that, I've not clue why we're discussion Religion in a thread about Elon Musk and Twitter.
The reason the EU doesn't recognise one specific church will be simple, which church would it recognise? The RC, the Greek Orthodox, the Russian Orthodox (IIRC also practiced outside of Russia), the protestants, the COE, any one of about half a dozen others and those are just the Christian sects, ignoring the Jewish faith, or the Mulsims (who have been active in parts of Europe for a couple of thousand years).

They don't recognise a religion because they know exactly how many of the wars in Europe have been down to what were often minor religious differences and the atrocities that were committed with relgion being the excuse.

Having said that, I've not clue why we're discussion Religion in a thread about Elon Musk and Twitter.

Well I can clarify that for you Mr. Werewolf. In Twitter land Mr. Musk is GOD! And Twitter is the new pulpit for, amongst other matters, moral discussion and lecture :)
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It WAS a good thing (in some ways....not all obviously as it has also created collosal conflicts and atrocities).

It is now antiquated, and quite obviously nothing more than fairy tales.

It may be an antiquated mindset, but the RISE of religion in the UK has been exponential, both in terms of participants and real estate. This, for example:

Rupa Murthy

The creeping Islamization of London is almost complete, with hundreds of official sharia courts operating in the capital, and mosques opening where famous Christian churches have stood for many hundreds of years.

“London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together“, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan“, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist.

Nobel Laureate for Literature,Wole Soyinka, was less generous. He called the UK “a cesspit for Islamists“.

“Terrorists can not stand London multiculturalism“, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said after the deadly terror attack at Westminster last year. The opposite is true: British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism.

Above all, Londonistan, with its 423 new mosques, is being built on the sad ruins of English Christianity. Many iconic Christian churches in London have been converted into mosques.

Gatestone Institute reports: The Hyatt United Church was bought by the Egyptian community to be converted to a mosque. St Peter’s Church has been converted into the Madina Mosque. The Brick Lane Mosque was built on a former Methodist church. Not only buildings are converted, but also people. The number of converts to Islam has doubled; often they embrace radical Islam, as with Khalid Masood, the terrorist who struck Westminster.

The Daily Mail published photographs of a church and a mosque a few meters from each other in the heart of London. At the Church of San Giorgio, designed to accommodate 1,230 worshipers, only 12 people gathered to celebrate Mass. At the Church of Santa Maria, there were 20

The nearby Brune Street Estate mosque has a different problem: overcrowding. Its small room and can contain only 100. On Friday, the faithful must pour into the street to pray. Given the current trends, Christianity in England is becoming a relic, while Islam will be the religion of the future.

In Birmingham, the second-largest British city, where many jihadists live and orchestrate their attacks, an Islamic minaret dominates the sky. There are petitions to allow British mosques to call the Islamic faithful to prayer on loudspeakers three times a day.

By 2020, estimates are that the number of Muslims attending prayers will reach at least 683,000, while the number of Christians attending weekly Mass will drop to 679,000. “The new cultural landscape of English cities has arrived; the homogenised, Christian landscape of state religion is in retreat”, said Ceri Peachof Oxford University. While nearly half of British Muslims are under the age of 25, a quarter of Christians are over 65. “In another 20 years there are going to be more active Muslims than there are churchgoers,” said Keith Porteous Wood, director of the National Secular Society.

Since 2001, 500 London churches of all denominations have been turned into private homes. During the same period, British mosques have been proliferating. Between 2012 and 2014, the proportion of Britons who identify themselves as Anglicans fell from 21% to 17%, a decrease of 1.7 million people, while, according to a survey conducted by the respected NatCen Social Research Institute, the number of Muslims has grown by almost a million. Churchgoers are declining at a rate that within a generation, their number will be three times lower than that of Muslims who go regularly to mosque on Friday.

Demographically, Britain has been acquiring an increasingly an Islamic face, in places such as Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets. In 2015, an analysis of the most common name in England showed it was Mohammed, including spelling variations such as Muhammad and Mohammad.

Most important cities have huge Muslim populations: Manchester (15.8%), Birmingham (21.8%) and Bradford (24.7%). In Birmingham, the police just dismantled a terrorist cell; there is also a greater probability that a child will be born into a Muslim family than into a Christian one. In Bradford and Leicester, half the children are Muslim. Muslims do not need to become the majority in the UK; they just need gradually to Islamize the most important cities. The change is already taking place. “Londonistan” is not a Muslim majority nightmare; it is a cultural, demographic and religious hybrid in which Christianity declines and Islam advances.

Thousands of Muslims participate in a public outdoor prayer service in Birmingham, England, on July 6, 2016. (Image source: Ruptly video screenshot)
According to Innes Bowen, writing in The Spectator, only two of the 1,700 mosques in Britain today follow the modernist interpretation of Islam, compared with 56% in the United States. The Wahhabis control six percent of mosques in the UK, while the fundamentalist Deobandi control up to 45%. According to a survey from the Knowledge Center, a third of UK Muslims do not feel “part of British culture.”
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We are way off topic here but as an Atheist myself, I do like to try and learn why we think the things we do. Explanations of the bibles stories and how they came from the bedrock of understanding was quite enlightening to listen to.
We should all strive to find a deeper understanding of the meaning in everything.. It goes a lot deeper than you think.
Culture itself shapes what we think is good, so you can't just say matter of factly what is good and what isn't.
What we thought was good in 3 AD is wildly different to 2023AD and will likely be wildly different in 3023 AD if we make it that far..

Rolling out next month, this platform will allow media publishers to charge users on a per article basis with one click. This enables users who would not sign up for a monthly subscription to pay a higher per article price for when they want to read an occasional article. Should be a major win-win for both media orgs & the public

Rolling out next month, this platform will allow media publishers to charge users on a per article basis with one click. This enables users who would not sign up for a monthly subscription to pay a higher per article price for when they want to read an occasional article. Should be a major win-win for both media orgs & the public

Who the hell pays for articles to read. Very sad.

There’s a rip off twitter that Jack D has now called BlueSky, it’s invite only atm but identical to twitter before it was taken over by musk.
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Who the hell pays for articles to read. Very sad.

There’s a rip off twitter that Jack D has now called BlueSky, it’s invite only atm but identical to twitter before it was taken over by musk.
Not quote identical, in that, you might not get the same quantity of response for a good long time :p

The question is, has Elon been a weak scared baby and personally blocked every BlueSky link yet and anyone that even utters the word?
Really? So he promotes free speech but filters words?

No, he promotes speech which aligns with his clown-brain or space wizard programs and trolls everyone else. Because that's what you do when you're actually quite clever and severely rich you see - for example, uh ... give me a minute, there are loads of them like this, hmm, there was that - no, he was rich but also not a terrific asshat, uh, what about, nope - they were even richer and didn't make a farce of themselves on a daily basis. What about ...
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Apparently, Musk can't be held accountable for anything he says on video as it's 'possible' that it was a deep fake. Even if said speech was witnessed by lots of people and journalists.

Apparently, Musk can't be held accountable for anything he says on video as it's 'possible' that it was a deep fake. Even if said speech was witnessed by lots of people and journalists.

In good news for most people, it doesn't matter what Musk's lawyers can or cannot admit regarding authenticity (and they also shouldn't because, obvs). It's not their decision unless they're cosplaying as the Judge for extra bluesign Twitter points.
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