The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Theres more in the article.
I think he's started to believe his own caricature so much that any idea that is 'different' or out of left field is considered a great idea.

Imagine if he took over Boeing...."I know, planes without wings."
TechAltar had a good video recently about why Super Apps work, it's not down to state surveillance:

tl;dw: Super Apps were able to thrive in China and other countries for two reasons (1) there was no central app store for them to compete with, so they were the best way to get apps; and (2) they provided convenient electronic payment methods. Neither of those work in the West, we get apps from the Play Store or Apple's equivalent, and we already have convenient electronic payment methods.
Easy to thrive when you've got the state basically forcing you to use it.
Yeah but imagine...

In a few weeks some weak minded simp will come along and say people are clicking more links and spending more time on twitter and thats proof its doing better due to melons new changes.
When the reality will be people clicking as they are not sure what something is, and then wasting more time.
Yeah but imagine...

In a few weeks some weak minded simp will come along and say people are clicking more links and spending more time on twitter and thats proof its doing better due to melons new changes.
When the reality will be people clicking as they are not sure what something is, and then wasting more time.

That is almost certainly the game plan.
Interesting Elon? A professional liar fired for his lies about the 2020 election interviews a rapist who tried to end democracy in America.

And is so far in the lead the other runners might as well be in a different race ;) "Interesting" indeed :)

I wonder how many man hours have been wasted bickering over X, something 99.9% of people have no control over save to either use or not use the platform?
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I see Roar is so far down the rabbit hole he hasn't noticed Trump being indicted with over 90 charges regarding trying to subvert the democratic vote :p

And he's still pushing Tuckers "Guided tour" narrative, even though that was pointed out to be rubbish when he last said it. This is a common thing with people of lower intelligence, once they learn something it's very difficult for them to change their opinion, even when it's shown to be incorrect.
Tried to end Democracy, oh god, I'm dying. Some rednecks trespassed in the Capitol building, some of which were given a guided tour, THE END OF DEMOCRACYYY

Fox got successfully sued for nearly a billion dollars for their election lies, and countless people are heading to jail (including the former President) for trying to overturn the 2020 election illegally.

"BuT MuH LArp!" "But Muh GU1d3d T0Ur!!"

Get a clue.
Interesting Elon?
to people following the GOP primaries, it would be interesting as the current front runner isn't taking part in the debates. rather he's doing an interview with carlson. I would expect that ticks a lot of boxes to be 'interesting'
A professional liar fired for his lies about the 2020 election interviews a rapist who tried to end democracy in America.
Who's the rapist? There are plenty of things to call trump but at least try to be factual instead of spurging out.
Fox got successfully sued for nearly a billion dollars for their election lies, and countless people are heading to jail (including the former President) for trying to overturn the 2020 election illegally.

"BuT MuH LArp!" "But Muh GU1d3d T0Ur!!"

Get a clue.

They actually settled, so they weren't successfully sued, I suppose this would be one of those lies. Another being that countless people are headed to jail because they haven't yet had a trial. Literally nothing in your post was factual.

That's what I thought at the time!

Since you don't seem to remember though, it was when Peterson was talking crap on twitter and he was pulled up by his regulatory body and sent for some 'social media training' as his standards had fallen below what was expected of his profession and your hot take on it was

C Kent said:
It's a free country and he's perfectly within his right to say whatever he wants. Why am I not surprised it's lefties embracing totalitarian regimes re-education camp tactics though.

Which made you look a right berk at the time tbh :D
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