The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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it would further the ruffle the feathers of, as well as lose, advertisers - it would be a no-win situation for Twitter.

There is no way he will do it. They would lose an absolutely immense amount of advertising revenue from multi-national companies if they excluded Europe. Companies won't pay Twitter anywhere near the amount of money they are paying now if their reach doesn't include Europe.
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Given the EU have brought in legislation to control trillion dollar companies, i don't think a social media company worth a few billion on a good day is anything for them to worry about; Twitter isn't bigger than the EU.
Nothing for the EU to worry about? Brexit was brought about partly due to social media, and if you look at the situations in EU countries like Slovakia where they now have a pro-Russian leader, I'd say they have a lot to worry about. Turning Twitter off is just going to enrage these people even more and they'll find somewhere else with even less moderation.
Given the EU have brought in legislation to control trillion dollar companies, i don't think a social media company worth a few billion on a good day is anything for them to worry about; Twitter isn't bigger than the EU.

Yeah but you're being deliberately hyperbolic, all they did was make Apple use a standardised charger, which made a lot of sense. If they did something that affected Apple's brand image then they would've been forced to at least threaten to pull out of the EU. Now if you think people are going to choose the EU over their iPhone when most people don't even take notice of when an EU election is then you're deluded.
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Yeah but you're being deliberately hyperbolic, all they did was make Apple use a standardised charger, which made a lot of sense. If they did something that affected Apple's brand image then they would've been forced to at least threaten to pull out of the EU. Now if you think people are going to choose the EU over their iPhone when most people don't even take notice of when an EU election is then you're deluded.
Your Apple rambling aside, are you suggesting that Twitter is bigger than the EU and they have more 'swing'? If so, why? :confused:

Nothing for the EU to worry about? Brexit was brought about partly due to social media, and if you look at the situations in EU countries like Slovakia where they now have a pro-Russian leader, I'd say they have a lot to worry about. Turning Twitter off is just going to enrage these people even more and they'll find somewhere else with even less moderation.
Worried about misinformation on social media platforms, sure - one of the reasons for the DSA.
Is the EU worried about Musk throwing his toys out the pram with the "threat" of self blocking Twitter from the EU because he doesn't want his platform to comply with EU legislation? I'm not convinced, especially as it wouldn't be the EU blocking users from access.
Interesting interview with Elon's biographer Walter Isaacson. Pretty much sums up what is known. Elon is best when working at his companies like SpaceX and Tesla, his mind is configured for that world. He is a disaster in the world of Twitter, he lacks the mental tools to understand how its user base think and what its clients (advertisers) want. He has never worked in an industry that makes its money through advertising and it shows. Isaacson even mentions at one point that Elon had his phone locked in a hotel safe to stop him obsessively posting on Twitter but at 3am he called the hotel management to unlock the safe as he couldn't resist it.

I'll probably buy the audiobook as I enjoyed his biography of Steve Jobs.

Yeah I think the EU need to understand that ultimately they're in power to serve the people, who will be very unhappy if Twitter pulls out of the EU.

Tell it to FB after they fined Meta $1.3b. The idea that a company should be bigger/more powerful than elected bodies is very OCP mega corp.

I notice you defend Elon when he caves to countries like Turkey rather than fight it in the courts like the old board did.
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Tell it to FB after they fined Meta $1.3b. The idea that a company should be bigger/more powerful than elected bodies is very OCP mega corp.

I notice you defend Elon when he caves to countries like Turkey rather than fight it in the courts like the old board did.

The EU is a trade bloc, people just want to travel between countries and trade easily, no one asked for them to make themselves a multinational government and start telling people what they can and can't read online. So glad we left.

By the way, Thierry Breton (who looks exactly as you would expect an EU commissioner to look) has never been elected.
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The EU is a trade bloc, people just want to travel between countries and trade easily, no one asked for them to make themselves a multinational government and start telling people what they can and can't read online. So glad we left.
Not technically true. The Trade bloc came about in the late 50's. The EU existed prior to that.

Shengen didn't come about until 1995 when the UK had been in it for 22 years.
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The EU is a trade bloc, people just want to travel between countries and trade easily, no one asked for them to make themselves a multinational government and start telling people what they can and can't read online. So glad we left.

By the way, Thierry Breton (who looks exactly as you would expect an EU commissioner to look) has never been elected.

What does looking like someone (like you, lol) would expect them to look like have to do with their ability to do a job?
What does looking like someone (like you, lol) would expect them to look like have to do with their ability to do a job?

Nothing usually, it's just funny that this man looks like a Grandmother

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The EU is a trade bloc, people just want to travel between countries and trade easily, no one asked for them to make themselves a multinational government and start telling people what they can and can't read online. So glad we left.

By the way, Thierry Breton (who looks exactly as you would expect an EU commissioner to look) has never been elected.

Yes and they set rules and regulations that anyone who wants to trade inside it have to abide by. That includes Twitter just as it included Meta. Lets not get into the crap of the EU not being democratic, it is and that has been done to death already.

Why are you attacking someone for the way the way they look? You think someone who covers themselves in orange makeup and has the most ridiculous combover ever is a great man.
Yes and they set rules and regulations that anyone who wants to trade inside it have to abide by. That includes Twitter just as it included Meta. Lets not get into the crap of the EU not being democratic, it is and that has been done to death already.

Why are you attacking someone for the way the way they look? You think someone who covers themselves in orange makeup and has the most ridiculous combover ever is a great man.

You're so weird man, you mention Trump in every single post, do you think I spend my time on pro-Trump forums or something and you're getting some cutting jibe in? I don't give a **** about Donald Trump, stop mentioning him in every post you make, I'm being serious when I say it's concerning that you relate so much to him. Why is you felt you had to mention Donald Trump in this completely unrelated topic?
You're so weird man, you mention Trump in every single post, do you think I spend my time on pro-Trump forums or something and you're getting some cutting jibe in? I don't give a **** about Donald Trump, stop mentioning him in every post you make, I'm being serious when I say it's concerning that you relate so much to him. Why is you felt you had to mention Donald Trump in this completely unrelated topic?

You're so weird man, you mention Trump in every single post, do you think I spend my time on pro-Trump forums or something and you're getting some cutting jibe in? I don't give a **** about Donald Trump, stop mentioning him in every post you make, I'm being serious when I say it's concerning that you relate so much to him. Why is you felt you had to mention Donald Trump in this completely unrelated topic?

Its obvious right? You are a hypocrite Roar. And your hypocrisy is there for all to see. You criticise someone for the way they look, yet call someone who wears orange makeup a good president. I'm simply using your own words against you.
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