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The Opteron Skt 939 Overclocking thread !!!!

yes I tried specifying cores in TM. Same thing happens.
I cant push vdimm anymore as 3.0 is the boards limit.
Using the different torture tests it seems it could well be the ram that is holding me back. It is Bh-5 and 3.0 vdimm @2-2-2-5 could well be the limit.
Will try with some 1gb UCCC sticks and see if I get more stability. (Higher FSB, looser timings.)
trojan698 said:
My CPU clocks the same with 1 or 2 gb's of ram, 2.8 on 1.45v. Tauren, try increasing voltage to 1.55, those temps are fine btw.

Ok, i will try increasing the volts. I'll post back when it either errors me straight away in prime or it doesnt :p

No good. Even with the volts up to 1.55 im still erroring out on prime95 straight off.
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-Tauren- said:
Ok, i will try increasing the volts. I'll post back when it either errors me straight away in prime or it doesnt :p

No good. Even with the volts up to 1.55 im still erroring out on prime95 straight off.
What is you ram speed as reported in CPUz? I was running 300fsb with 2.7Ghz cpu and ram was 192Mhz (CPUz said Ram speed= CPU/14). Ram speed may not be what you expect. I am happy with 2.7Ghz, Im going for low noise. Now I have clocked the fsb back to 270fsb, * 10 cpu multiplier and 166memory speed for 225Mhz memory 3437 1t. 3dmark2001 shows over 500pts increase.
megatron said:
What is you ram speed as reported in CPUz? I was running 300fsb with 2.7Ghz cpu and ram was 192Mhz (CPUz said Ram speed= CPU/14). Ram speed may not be what you expect. I am happy with 2.7Ghz, Im going for low noise. Now I have clocked the fsb back to 270fsb, * 10 cpu multiplier and 166memory speed for 225Mhz memory 3437 1t. 3dmark2001 shows over 500pts increase.

My ram speed said about the same as your's. As i could put it at 2.7 without erroring on p95. I cant seem to change my memory to 1t. It just errors in windows and everything goes wierd. Also, every timing for my memory in my bios is on auto, i dont know which exact ones to change. But i know my memory is 2.0-3-2-5
You have almost the same mobo as mine, I would expect it can do 300fsb; makes me think that its your cpu vcore which needs a bump up. I am running with 1.6vcore, maybe a little high but under load it drops to 1.55v. I would suggest running the ram at 100fsb just to eliminate it as a source of instability (in prime95); and up the vcore a bit to see if you can get 2.8Ghz stable. I doubt its the mobo so I would skip testing mobo itself with low ram & cpu speed. Edit: just noticed you have a * 12 multiplier, so this makes it even more unlikely you're being held back by your mobo.
megatron said:
You have almost the same mobo as mine, I would expect it can do 300fsb; makes me think that its your cpu vcore which needs a bump up. I am running with 1.6vcore, maybe a little high but under load it drops to 1.55v. I would suggest running the ram at 100fsb just to eliminate it as a source of instability (in prime95); and up the vcore a bit to see if you can get 2.8Ghz stable. I doubt its the mobo so I would skip testing mobo itself with low ram & cpu speed. Edit: just noticed you have a * 12 multiplier, so this makes it even more unlikely you're being held back by your mobo.

I got an 11x multi i think. If we're talking about the cpu. I'm keeping it on that. I dunno whats wrong, whatever i seem to try i get a very unstable chip around 2780mhz to 2800mhz, it always just errors out straight off.. But ok i will try that, kinda tired now so i think i will give it a miss tonight..
I know this is old (I haven't read it in ages :p) ,but theirs a point needed to be made here.......

rxmac said:
Fitted my 148 today and had a little play so far it benches at 3ghz and is super pi stable running the 32meg calculation, and it runs folding at home for several hours GREAT i thought 3ghz stable lets play some fear but it wont play that for more than 20 min or so . Set it to 2.9 and everything, including fear, is fine.

Any suggestions as to why fear seems to cause instability?

Probably going to get shot down for this but personally not a huge fan of progs like prime etc as i have had systems that are 24/7 stable running what i want eg folding 24/7, gaming (for several hours im not quite that sad that i play for 24 hours solid) without any probs yet they fail within seconds on prime so seems a pointless exercise to me :rolleyes: i mean if it does what i want when i want for as long as i want then thats stable to me, yet prime says otherwise???

lol ,if it crashes in P95 then it ain't stable! ,yes maybe so far other programs you run are ok ,but how do you know that F@H hasn't sent inaccurate results due to a just over the edge o/c? ,it doesn't have a self check routine like P95 has (nor do many other programs).
Also any future programs you install may crash as a result of a slightly over the edge o/c ,you can't be confident that it isn't stability related.

P95 isn't the be all & end all of o/c tests but it certainly is an important 1st test.Also if you find it passes P95 24hrs but then fails after playing a 'heavy' game for while it is likely to be the extra heat output from the grx card ,or maybe as mentioned the extra load on the PSU ,especially if the PSU is near to being maxed out.In which case you'd just need to back the CPU off a little.

Oh btw I did notice your new rig in your sig ,nice overclock :D ,hope you've tested it properly ;)

I wonder if the current Ath64 3700's (San Diego core) overclock as well as the 146s did? their just so damn cheap now! ,doing a cheap upgrade for a friends PC ,got a 3700 for £46! :eek:

Finally read all of this thread ,its only taken me just over a year ,heheh

What speeds did you end up with?
Not overclocking my 185 but the coretemp program shows a difference of about 6 or 8 degrees between the cores. Core 0 30/31 degrees and core 1 37/38 degrees. This is under an Artic Cooler 64 Pro. Is this right ? The cooler has never sat what i would consider properly over the cpu, it seems to be off to one side slightly. Tempted to get a Zalman.

Or before splashing the cash see what the stock cooler is like. :rolleyes:
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deadeyedic30 said:
Not overclocking my 185 but the coretemp program shows a difference of about 6 or 8 degrees between the cores. Core 0 30/31 degrees and core 1 37/38 degrees. This is under an Artic Cooler 64 Pro. Is this right ? The cooler has never sat what i would consider properly over the cpu, it seems to be off to one side slightly. Tempted to get a Zalman.

A slight difference is normal, even with my IHS off my cores are usually 3-4 degrees apart, a little less when at load.
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