The "original" Far Cry game.

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
I picked this up from Steam a few days ago on a wave of nostalgia and I'd forgotten just how hard this game is. I played it when it first came out and spent many hours ploughing my way through the levels. It runs like a charm now (as it should too) but back in the day it was a bit of a system killer before Crysis 1 came out.
The graphics are primitive to say the least, but the game play is still as good now as it was then, and the difficulty, even on easy, is still surprising, you can't go in all guns blazing as it were, you last a few seconds then thats it, boom, dead. you've gotta be a bit sneaky. I also love some of the audio, "I'm gonna shoot you in the face" always raises a smile when I hear it:p.
Anyone else remember this game?
I still have it on disc. In fact, it was one of the first games I bought that required me to upgrade my gpu in order to play it. I enjoyed about 50% of it then got bored of the story, which actually started off well but then got rather silly. Still, a classic. I remember reviewers at the time praising the graphics. Yeah, times have changed:D
One of the most enjoyable titles I've played; the tension at times was very considerable indeed! Although I played it several times, I didn't complete it until around 2011. I believe when it first came out I was using a modded ATi 9800se, which ran it rather well. :)
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I loved the lush island graphics this had back in the day - will have to fire it up over the weekend and remind myself how much has changed!

Great fun game but yeah it does go off the rails a bit late on.
It started off difficult, got harder, then harder still, then it got stupid. That level where you got dropped out of a chopper with like 4 bullets, ffs...

Still loved it, though.
I loved this game. I remember the first time I booted it up it ran like a slide show, I powered down and went to spec up a new rig to play it. This game cost me a fortune. :D

Awesome game and a classic.
Loved it when it first came out, but by God that volcano with the Trigens level nearly caused me a mental breakdown.

Now if you want to see just how dumbed down FPS games are these days, then go try Project: IGI. No saves in a level of any kind, be that savepoints or quicksaves. No miraculous health generation, just a few rare syringes scattered about the levels.
Most of the game was great but the last few levels were total rubbish. The 'difficulty' was just stupid and unbalanced and the developers even admitted it saying something like most players wouldn't play the last level anyway! A poor way to finish and mar an otherwise great game. But I still remember first playing the first half or so of the game and it was amazing, really top quality and absolutely gorgeous.
There was supposedly a trick to the last level in which after replenishing ammo you could pick up a chair and use it to stop the big sliding door back to the area with the ammo supply from closing. This allowed you to go back and re-arm.
I completed it several times back in the day with no need for tricks, just hide to one side of the stage and bounce a grenade to land front stage when the big monsters climbed up. They never advanced beyond the front of the stage just paced back and forth.
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Loved it when it first came out, but by God that volcano with the Trigens level nearly caused me a mental breakdown.
.... Is all that I really remember about that game. The Trigens were great fun to fight against but the volcano portion of the game was just silly. I recall raging quite a lot.
Ah, Far Cry. That takes me back. I don't recall much difficulty with the volcano level once you got to the helicopter with the gun.

I wonder how it runs at 4K?
Great memories of single and multiplayer games of Far Cry. It's the best of the bunch by far!
This was the game that got me seriously into gaming. Fabulous graphics for the time.
I even liked FC2. Still use the 'Hey boet, you gotta problem?' phrase today. :D
All I remember from that godforsaken mission was thinking I had done it only to realise that I was only halfway through. It was basically like Live, Die, Repeat (with Tom Cruise) making minor adjustments until I succeeded... for about 10 hours.
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I resorted to using a no clip command to bypass the enemies in the latter stages. By that point, I was sick of the story anyway. For me, the best portion of the game was the start leading to about mid way through the game. To be honest, I think it was just the fact that I was in awe of the graphics that kept me playing as long as I did.
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