The "original" Far Cry game.

The last few levels were rubbish yeah, there was a bit near the end that was quite good though but the half hour or so of gameplay upto that and everything after that felt it had been slapped in for the sake of it.

Personally never found it that difficult though - aside from getting to grips with it at the first camp and a couple of bits near the end (Volcano bit) don't think I had to redo any bits due to dying.

EDIT: Though I think some people went the way that wasn't supposed to be done but are more obvious which are intended to be impossibly difficult as you aren't supposed to go that way - when there are i.e. overhead walkways, etc. that are the intended route that aren't as hard.
Dunno about Windows 10 but it works fine on modern hardware - if you do replay it look up how to tweak the advanced options via the hidden settings thingy as that lets you enable some higher graphic options not normally exposed (assuming that hasn't been patched in since I last played it).
I am sure I finished it and don't remember it being too hard until the end where certain points with the mutants it felt like playing Hitman or something. There was a lot of trial and error / luck getting to the next checkpoint.

Saw some screenshots recently and the character models look very blocky. No idea where the disc is now would have to download to steam. Never finished the second one.
Fantastic game and series tbh. I do recall getting stuck for a few hours somewhere in a camp iirc. I can't remember but maybe one of the first that i came across that had checkpoints.. I might be wrong.
Such truly amazing visuals for the time and I expect even now in one or two instances, bits of it will still look pretty fair.

Sometimes I'd find a safe spot out of harm's way, and would then proceed to watch the scenery while resting underneath the moonlit sky.

Seems I'm in the minority as I enjoyed the game the whole way through. I never minded the inclusion of the trigens either.
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Loved it, apart from the ridiculous difficulty curve late-game.

The choice of weapons was fantastic, and they all seemed to work well in certain situations... loved a silenced MP5 for proper CQB SAS style wet-work :D

Seem to remember there being the OICW late-game as well, with a quadruple grenade launcher under the barrel.

I remember getting a GPU upgrade, then firing up FarCry to see how much better it looked.... and realising that CryVision was actually thermal sights!!! Who knew?!?! (Well, certainly not us paupers running low-spec GFX)

Edit: Dammit, now I'm gonna have to re-install FarCry tonight, aren't I? I remember really liking one of the realism mods, which made guns work like real life - i.e. if you dropped a half full magazine, you lost the bullets that were in that mag.
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I cant remember it being that hard, but it was a great game. i think during my entire playthrough I still never figured out how to actually use the glider properly.

In fact the only two bits I remember being super annoying were:

1. When you jump off the cliff with the glider, into the river with a boat and their is an attack chopper there that basically hunt you down regardless of how hidden you think you are.
2. Was it a night level, that was super sneaky? Yeh that was a bitch.
Well, it's stopped crashing. But it can't really cope with 4K: the undergrowth is displayed if you zoom but isn't if you don't.
Really great game back in it's time, but I agree with others that the difficulty got a little out of hand in the later levels. I'm sure I read somewhere that one of the later patches broke the difficulty even more, so the modern digital releases are extra hard/broken compared to the vanilla version.

The first half of the game had some really great moments though, I remember the first time I played the the third level, where you start off on the little dingy and have to make your way to the satellite dish. I was in awe at the scale and multitude of options at your disposal.

I always loved the super corny voice acting as well :D

It was the open and free form gameplay of the early levels that really drew me in to Far Cry.

Like a lot of other posters here, I found the volcano level a chore to complete... until a random convergence of explosions underneath a vehicle in mid jump propelled me way up in to the sky and right across to the other side of the map without getting killed. I didn't look back to worry about having missed anything ;)
I'm at that level having just flown the hang glider to the other shore line, had a about 4 goes at it as the enemy helo kept having a go at me. I'm at the outskirts of the camp now. Great fun so far even if the graphics are "pants" when compared to today's offerings, its the game play that better then than it is now.
I'm running it on the pc in my sig, no probs at all, I'm seeing over 250 fps sometimes, so I reckon it might be prudent to stick Vsync on, and it runs fine at 1440p which I'm gaming on now but it does look a bit stretched but I can live with that, and I'm on Windows 10 64bit.:)
I loved how open the levels were, and how you could find different ways to get around and do things. It still sticks in my mind as a game that gave you a lot of freedom. I remember choosing paths to avoid combat and get past enemies in a way that you rarely see in games.
Very, very good AI in the game and as Vonhelmet mentioned you could find different ways to get around and pass things.

They just don't make games like this any more :(
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