The Orville : New Horizons

The CGI is all over the place this season in terms of quality. Some eps look great and others look like a PS3 game (Midnight Blue - ep. 8 had a particularly bad bit where the shuttle takes off from the colony). Enjoyed some episodes so far, others a bit weaker. Got 9 and 10 to finish this weekend.

EDIT - Also, stop the singing unless it's Bortus.

EDIT 2 - Episodes 9 and 10 should have been the other way around too.
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I like the singing - Malloy has a great voice.

Waiting for Seth to belt out a tune though!

If you've never watched American Dad, Steve has plenty of songs through out that so when I saw his voice actor in this I wondered how long it would be before he'd start singing.

Was a decent ending episode and surprised they brought Halston Sage back for a cameo at the end, does make me wonder if we get another season that Isaac somehow develops some tech so he appears Human whenever he's on the ship and not just in the sim.
It was a good ending as they don't know if they get a 4th season. Hate these shows that end on a cliff hanger, and never get renewed
I found the singing cringe and time wasting. I had to skip it. I found this programme was just OK all in all. The relationship between the Dr and Isaac was completely unrealistic. The robot had no emotions and I think it was forced seeming and didn't really flow. I guess it was done to make him different to Data but really he isn't and they should play up to that instead. The final episode was very dull and the whole series never really felt like it got going. I would not be surprised if it's not renewed. Don't get me wrong, it's a million times better than modern Trek, but there is something to Trek which this seems to lack.

I think series 2 is about the best one so far. This one looked pretty but had little substance.
The Orville is a live action parody of and homage to Star Trek, specifically Star Trek: The Next Generation.

It was originally a spoof, but it's its own show now.

If you want Trek, watch Trek. If you want singing, humour, exploring space then watch The Orville. It's strange comments like wanting less singing, humour etc, when this is what the show is! It does not pretend to be any different. It's a different take/quirk - i'm enjoying it.
I must admit the season been pretty good, and better than ST than actually ST shows like Discovery for example. Really enjoyed it, most of the episodes bar one was fantastic. I hope they continue because the stories, special effects, the characters and the feel of the whole show was brilliant. Its really has carved its own wee place in Sci-Fi tv shows. Its a shame its the final season right?
Has there ever been an Episode of any Trek where literally nothing happens, just the day to day of the crew? Stardate 44356.2. Our two week long monitoring of the Stavros Nebula has concluded and we recorded nothing exciting or different. No Q, No Romulans, no distress signals, I'm actually quite bored and the crew are too! '
Has there ever been an Episode of any Trek where literally nothing happens, just the day to day of the crew? Stardate 44356.2. Our two week long monitoring of the Stavros Nebula has concluded and we recorded nothing exciting or different. No Q, No Romulans, no distress signals, I'm actually quite bored and the crew are too! '

#STDiscovery :D
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Has there ever been an Episode of any Trek where literally nothing happens, just the day to day of the crew? Stardate 44356.2. Our two week long monitoring of the Stavros Nebula has concluded and we recorded nothing exciting or different. No Q, No Romulans, no distress signals, I'm actually quite bored and the crew are too! '
Closest would probably be the TNG episode “Lower Decks” but stuff happens in that too.
This isn't Trek. Stop comparing it to something it isn't and either enjoy it for what it is or move onto something else.

8 on IMDB and 77% on RT - it must be something right.

It's more Trek than Picard to be far, Galaxy Quest isn't trek but many fans accept it's massively influenced by Star Trek and it's even considered by many as Trek series, at least in spirit.

The tone of Picard is dark and full of nihilism, it's Trek in name only.
Man I haven't laughed as hard in a while.

The matriarch episode is fantastic. All the trips to the medbay especially the final one hah.
Just finished it.

Is that it finished? Are we getting a season 4?

Such a shame if we don't.

Loved the Mass Effect vibs it had for the last couple of episodes.

Easily one of the best sci-fi shows in a while.

This show can handle modern day issue's with a delicate hand which makes you think and not with a sledge hammer like most modern day shows.
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