*** The OS X Post Your Desktop Thread ***

Ref: Mark JB - whats the program your using for the appilcation box (that black one)?

KennyBhoy said:
Using the CrystalClear theme :)

how did you get your menu so clear? mine clear-ish but not that clear; could it be the wallpaper I'm using?

Ref: JonB

is that 10.5 your using?
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Yup, it's 10.5.

Installed flawlessly and most applications run fine. Spaces and stacks and the new finder are great. The menu bar as also grown on me, despite initially not liking it.

However, it's really very sluggish at the moment. As if the graphics chips is struggling with the effects. I do have a feeling though that this is just due to its BETA stage and hasn't really been optimized much. I imagine/hope this will be sorted by the final release.

One thing that has annoyed me though is the shadow effects on the windows has changed. Now, the currently active window has a huge drop shadow on it, rather than the just the slight drop shadow it has in 10.4. I've tried to show this in the following shot:

how did you get to beta it mate? as I'm be very intrested to beta test for apple, it sure beat beta testing m$.

again does anyone know what that application launcher mark jb is using as it does looks funky. - edit: I found the program its overflow... :D
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slinxy said:
how did you get to beta it mate? as I'm be very intrested to beta test for apple, it sure beat beta testing m$.

Unfortunately you have to be a paid-for subscriber to ADC (Apple Developer Connection) to get access to the Leopard Betas. Im just miffed that someone beat me to being the first person with a 10.5 screenie :p ;)
slinxy said:
how did you get your menu so clear? mine clear-ish but not that clear; could it be the wallpaper I'm using?

I'm using this Theme HERE .... It comes with an Alpha Value setter (lets you tweak how transparent the Menu bar and windows are) :)
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after spend a while looking at all yours, and ripping what I like from them ( :D hope you dont mind)

In Use



Not too sure about the dock myself. I hope they give you the option to swtich between the two types of dock and also to switch the transparent menu bar off.
JonB said:
Not too sure about the dock myself. I hope they give you the option to swtich between the two types of dock and also to switch the transparent menu bar off.

I'm not too keen on the dock either, although I'm sure if Apple don't there will be a third party app available to do it.
They do offer a way to turn off the transparent menu bar, not sure if they'll have the option to have the "older" dock though
Mark JB said:
Dont know if i posted this earlier but the dock application im using is Overflow :D

Yeaa... it too me ages to find it, and when I did, I saw the title of the program on the menu bar of your picture. :rolleyes: great program thou.
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