I'm a little concerned with the tilt sensor,
My hands do not stay still, I move them up/down/left/right all the time, I shift positions on my sofa, I move around the room. I pick up and put down the controller, all whilst playing. This tilt feature sounds like it will limit my play rather than enhance it.
I have similar reservations about the WII TBH but less so, as I figure the Wii will have will be better implemented (possibly with a button that tells the WII to disregard any movement when pressed).
No Rumble, I kind of depend on it now a game with out rumble is like lemonade without sugar.
Honestly the more Sony reveal the less confident I am in their ability to produce a great console. MS and Ninty are looking better and better each month. Sony will sell based on their brand name. But this could be their last sucessful console.