The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Some shots of my mate going round Brands Hatch.



little hdr in the top one ?

yeah :D Wasn't really needed but just thought it would lift the colours a bit since the bridge area was quite dark


Greywolf, what lens did you use to take those pics and more importantly..........................wheres DANBO!
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Started the week off work with a trip to the beach.

Heres 3 pics I took



Lighthouse 2




Not 100% happy with my processing ability :p
Not 100% happy with my processing ability :p

I've noticed a lot of people put borders on there photos like yours, is there any specific way to do it? or is it just black lines?

EDIT: Just had a look around, one plcae said use Edit > Stroke > 75px

giving this


Does anyone have a better method?
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I've noticed a lot of people put borders on there photos like yours, is there any specific way to do it? or is it just black lines?

EDIT: Just had a look around, one plcae said use Edit > Stroke > 75px

giving this


Does anyone have a better method?

All i do is once I'm happy (or happyish) with my photo and processing I do a select all, copy and while its all highlighted go to file, new. this retains the images pixel dimensions so i add 100 in each direction then do a paste of the original image and finally scale it down to an 800 x 600 image. Bit arse about face but it works for me :D
All i do is once I'm happy (or happyish) with my photo and processing I do a select all, copy and while its all highlighted go to file, new. this retains the images pixel dimensions so i add 100 in each direction then do a paste of the original image and finally scale it down to an 800 x 600 image. Bit arse about face but it works for me :D

you can just increase the canvas size by 100 pix rather than creating a new document, then change the image size after.
All i do is once I'm happy (or happyish) with my photo and processing I do a select all, copy and while its all highlighted go to file, new. this retains the images pixel dimensions so i add 100 in each direction then do a paste of the original image and finally scale it down to an 800 x 600 image. Bit arse about face but it works for me :D

you can just increase the canvas size by 100 pix rather than creating a new document, then change the image size after.

OK, cheers guys!
I would suggest reducing the image before sticking a border on, that way you can sharpen the resized image without making the border wierd.

For example I resize my images to 786px wide, then sharpen, then add 4px black and 10px white.
A couple i took with my new 1000d today (kit lens) I've only had this for about a week and so it's my first real venture into photography




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