Ok, you sound like you really want some crits so here's my take on your pics!
1) Ultimately this is not a very interesting photo. Although the effect you've gone for has worked, the angle and composition don't maximise the effect. Most people take them from bridges to get multiple snaking lines. Why not try from somewhere different that's going to maximise the effect (not necessarily a motorwey bridge).
2) Water looks great and the boat is fine but it doesn't grab attention.
3) Again, the shot isn't overly interesting and you've just chopped off the edge of the writing, when you have a primary or secondary subject I always find it's good to keep a margin around the border. Same with any strong shapes.
4) There's nothing particulary wrong with this shot, although it's SLIGHTLY blurry, perhaps closing the aperture a touch more would have kept the front blade all in focus which might have helped with the seperation.
So, that's my take on your photos. I was being critical but I will say all your photos are well exposed and your white balance isn't bad either.