The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Here's a rose i shot a while back

The first five all taken on a 1000d using the 17-55mm kit lens






All these were shot on the 1000d again, using a 70-300mm tamron macro cheapo lens!





im kinda lost on the lack of some detail though, would a higher megapixel count really increase my photos quality? or is it a lens issue?
1. Reflecting the Millennium

I haven't got a clue how to read EXIF (i don't know how to find it more the point, i know how to read ;)) So, what settings did you use for them? As i've got a trip down to the Quayside planned, but i want both during the day and at night, so its two different trips !

Also, have you done any post processing to this?
well, newbie ahoy!

I entered a photo into the comp, and to play with the settings did some chav-ography!


used the kit 18-70 on my A200 (exif should be embedded)
right greywolf im sick of this, I hate the need to want so much, that i have to shout abuse at the screen when i see it......where can i buy one :D

Ha :D Hong Kong seller on ebay is usually the best and easiest ive seen for us in the UK. But ive just checked and there are none of the originals for sale :( I think they are getting fewer in number. Which means Iam also now on the look out for one or two as spares. Problem is its going to cost £40-50 each inc shipping.
The Niterói Contemporary Art Museum (Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói — MAC) is situated in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is one of the city’s main landmarks.

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