The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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I actually can't find the pic I was going to post... but came across this on an old flickr account of mine...

Not up to the standards of the pictures that get posted in the comp, mybe one day when I start reading up more on composition, impact and start using my tripod. :)

I wouldn't go with that attitude. I've entered 3 comps, the first two I just stuck an entry in for the judges to comment on. I'm happier with the entry i put in for April although it wasn't my preferred idea for that month. The judges give fair comment on all entries so if anything you'll only benefit from entering and getting another perspective on things to work on to improve your technique. :)


I do like the photos you've posted. A couple of things with the first picture from my point of view anyway are it may have been better if you'd waited to get a richer orange in the sky similar to the latter photographs and either my eyesight is off or your horizon is not quite level. Apart from that, a good set of sunset images
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Knowing the area, I don't think it's ever look as good as that shot! :D
Nice one!

Cheers :D

Believe it or not, it's totally untampered, that's the photo straight from the camera (just slightly cropped to centre the image).



Been playing around with my Sony A200 which i've had for a little under a week. New to all this photography larkee so mainly relying on luck :)

Pic's taken with a Tamron 55-200mm f4-5.6 Di II LD Macro Lens (whatever the hell all those numbers mean)
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few from me



just in the process of upping my pics from chester zoo so there could be more :D

hehehe love this shot

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Hurray, after much waiting because they seem to be out of stock everywhere, my Canon EF 200mm F2.8 Macro USM lens arrived this morning :)

Bit of a boring shot I know (I suppose the inside of watches are to Macro photographs as Ducks are to wildlife photographs!)

I now know what you all mean about limited depth of field. Hopefully I can improve.


(sorry about that the first time picture didn't show!)
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