The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Not Convinced

Been going through some of my photos and saw this one. cropped it, adjusted a few things in photoshop but I'm not sure if the image works or not. I've focused on the water, but I'm thinking perhaps it would be better on the bridge instead. are the blurred grasses in the foreground too distracting?


Any C&C would be appreciated.
Just one from me, messing about with the nifty fifty taking pictures of my car, then shoved it into lightroom for a play and came up with this:


I quite like it, almost looks like a tilt shift :) Although I admit it's a bit wonky and the back of the car isn't quite in focus as I wanted it to be.

Some nice images but I would say they lack a little punch which is very easy to fix in PS, for example all I have done here is boosted the exposure a little bit and adjusted the curves:

Edited -----------------------------------------------------------------------Original
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