The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Couple of new ones.


Great snaps!
Using macro i presume?

Yes, Canon 50D with the Canon 100 f2.8 USM Macro.

Its an amazing lens and I'm glad I bought it, having sooo much fun with it. Some of the shots have come out really nice. Takes a bit of getting used to the limted depth of field though when you are so close!
went into my garden quickly to test out my new macro rig and saw this little fella on the fence, at first i thought it was a tiny bit of leaf but as i got closer it started to move.
only managed to get two shots of him, both of which are crap but he was there one second and gone the next. its called a brown plant hopper, it was only about 3mm from head to bottom.


Not bad famas, I can't wait to get some macro gear to see what sort of detail I can get. Getting that much is pretty good considering just how small it is really!
We get a fair few damsel flies and spiders in our garden so I'm hoping for some nice shots if they stay still for long enough!
these were pretty much straight from the camera, had a slight levels adjustment.

just had a play with the second one. what you think?


66% crop
Nice piccy lowrider, would have been a contendor for last months comp ;)

I love the mussels picture lowrider :)

lowrider, i love those shells, great textures on there

Thanks guys, I really wasn't expecting any feedback at all, much appreciated, I haven't really been into my photography much lately but these few compliments have given me the energy I needed to get out more and have a play around with the old camera.
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