The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Speaking of cats

Was trying to get a bright sunshine in background sort of effect; don't think it quite worked though


Cat though the grass :D


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Looking through the Magnifying Lens on the Mat 124G :)


Will be taking some pictures on this bad boy at some stage, gotta order the 6x6, and the Close-up lenses.

Just been for a walk over Mitcham Common as the day was nice, there are rumors that buried under one of the hills over the common is a car full of gold from a london bank job but as i didn’t have a spade with me i couldn’t look so anyway got to go as i’m test driving a Ferrari :D

Taken with a Nokia N73

Nice shot Pug, so much wildlife in that shot makes it almost hard to believe :)

First bird I've found that stayed still long enough to take a few pictures off, plus being nice and big, and pretty close meant it was well within a nice range for my 70-200 :)

Another one of the same bird here - don't like this one as much though.

Need to try and get some good pictures of one of our cats, she's really photogenic until you point a camera at her :p
Yeah, Pug is that real? :o

haha yes it is real (tho faked a bit with HDR!) everyone i've shown it to thinks i mashed it together (superimposed the deer) but i didnt!

The actual original direct from the camera (and decreased in size for upload)

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Sorry guys, haven't popped in this thread for a while.

really amazing photo it looks like its computer generated slightly. although did you process the image to looks blury around a single point? as the top part looks slightly blurred and out of focus and i think hinders the image while the left side should be blurred as i think the passage way alone (none blurred) would look a atd better ?? :confused: sorry to sound like a toff

Thanks knowlesy. What your talking is some bad post processing my me. I blurred the top and added a gradient which looking back has ruined it a little.
Heres a better version. I think it works better as letter box:


Nice, how did you manage that?

"M" mode. Long exposure. Low ISO. Added gradient at the top and sharpened the edges slightly in photoshop

It reminds me of the pic he posted of his computer and desk in here. I'm pretty sure hes done an HDR of the image in photoshop :)


Maybe not, just viewed the exif which you cant do after an HDR, well not with mine anyway. long exposure 20 seconds on f22 at ISO 100

No HDR involved here im afraid. Just PP in Photoshop as stated above. The A200 does take nice night time shots.

Im looking for an opportunity to take my newly received Sigma 10/20mm out on some night shooting. Think the results should be good.
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