The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Badtooth 76 have you done some processing to those shots, the colours seem a little harsh for the subject, particularly in the last one (the sky).

That said I like number 1, though the wooden panel could probably do with being cropped out.

First two I did a lot of processing as they looked a bit flat and dull, was over cast and dull when I first got there. The last one I was trying to show how big the ruins are by trying to make them stand out.
my screen not the best for photos really need a new one its a Samsung syncmaster 226cw, but no funds for now so will be christmas time before I can get a new one.



edited two of the photos.

Thanks for the coments from all, they do help and make me look at things differently and hopefully help me inprove my photos.
I really should make coments on other peoples photos, but feel I don't know enough.
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Im not a picture taker kind of person but took this off my phone, there is another where i rate wish i wasn't in middle of it flexxing as you can see fog swooping in, looks evil but rate good

agree with you, but It was the only sharpish shot i got of this particular fly.

set up was D90 + tokina 100mm + full set of extension tubes + 2x kenko teleconverter and a sb-600 straped to the side of it all.
Some pics from a visit to china, taken with a Nokia N95. Post processed using photoshop CS2.



Can't figure out how to make the image 800 pixels high, other than using photoshop that would then result in decimal values. I'll figure it out oneday, if nobody objects I can post the 1024x768 pcitures, would this be O.K?
Being trying my hand at panning, went out to shoot the weather, but nothing was working for me, so got to the main road, and panned away! :D

with not having done it before, i only got two worth keeping, and even then, they're not brilliant


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