The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Here are some recent ones from me. (click on photos to go to the Flick Page for bigger versions)

Would really appreciate comments - good and or bad, as I am really trying to learn as much as I can at the moment.









^Really like the last 4 shots. Would like to see more of 5,6 and if you have any (different angle, etc).

The Snowdrops (5) was a bit of a one off shot. I took a few from above, but nothing like that. I just lowered the camera to the floor and got that shot.

6 - The Mill, there will be more to follow, as I plan to have a proper explore of this place. These were just taken on lunchtime from work and more for my purposes than them being good photos to show people. I just went to take a look at the place to see if I will be able to get inside safely. Here are a couple of others from that day.

Sorry if they look like they are leaning. It's hard enough getting square buildings looking straight with perspective, but a curved one is a nightmare ! :D

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I have been trying to catch water splash's, as i see someone else has above, very cool btw.

Here are some of my efforts.





I used my Tamron 90mm & 24-70mm Nikon using various backdrops, gels and frying pans, dishes ... lol




ps. no judges on 3 & 4 .. ta
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Nice one wedge! good a creative i likes :) I'f your gonna try it again, do it in a dark room same set up but set the shutter speed to say 1 second, aperture to say F8 and the flash power to 1/32, start with these rough settings and experiment. The flash will act as the shutter and you should really be able to freeze the action, Maybe ;)

Just trying something different.

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Loving all these water splash pics. Is it possible to do this with just the on board flash? Would love to have a go but i don't have a decent flash at the moment.
Loving all these water splash pics. Is it possible to do this with just the on board flash? Would love to have a go but i don't have a decent flash at the moment.

Not really, I used two flashguns.

One was on the camera, bounced up at 1/16 power with the other triggered wirelessly and pointing at the background (1/8 power).
Loving all these water splash pics. Is it possible to do this with just the on board flash? Would love to have a go but i don't have a decent flash at the moment.

I only used one for mine, a couple of lamps and your pop up might just do it?

get on the bay, you can pick up a cheap flash for £25.00 that are perfectly good enough for this stuff.
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