The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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One from my holiday in Cornwall this week...

Very nice, did you colour the water or is it a backdrop? Last time I tried this I had to unleash the Apple and Blackcurrent squash.

Thanks. The water was clear, but I used a red backdrop (magazine cover that was mainly red) and made a cone out of a sheet of A4 paper and fixed it to my on board flash, so that it was only lighting up the backdrop. Also tied my LD20 torch to my camera to light the area up a bit more to help with focusing etc.

Ive ordered a flash now so should have a lot more freedom to experiment. Pretty happy with it as a first shot though, I must have caught the water bouncing back up after hitting the water. Looked far more interesting than the shots i got of water splashing up anyway.

Ive seen some water drop shots where the water looks like its colliding, really want to find out how to achieve that.
you might have to adjust the light smoothing setting cos theres some nasty haloing around where the building / trees meet the sky. Assuming of course you HDR that image?

No it's not a HDR image. Was taken with my TZ5 compact in auto mode. I just had a play with the shadows/highlights option in photoshop. I do see what you mean you mean though. I'm a novice but can you or anyone else tell me how to correct this? I'm using CS4.
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here's a few that I did about 3 weeks ago, haha the first one is a little cheesy :D There certainly not the best photo's or processing I've ever done but these are the best of the bunch I think :)





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A couple of preview shots I quickly processed from a shoot with Helen today. I've got about 200 to get through, and I'm liking various processing styles on each, so it will take a while!

We were going for an 'editorial make up' style shoot using a simple 2 light setup. It was also my first 'proper' shoot using the 135L. More to come!!

Second shot is excellent. Lighting, exposure look spot on to me.

I prefer the first one, there's more detail in the models skin (whoever she may be :p) The second one for me makes her look a bit 'flat', in the chin and above the top lip areas which make her lips look almost stuck on!

One thing i would say about the first is the shadow by her nostril, it seems a tad harsh and could maybe do with some lightening.

Apart from that great shots as always with that pleasing on the eye woman ;)
Good shout on the nostril shadow. I actually changed the lighting setup after that first one and it was working much better.

I know my processing won't be to everyone's tastes, but it is certainly the look I was after.
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