The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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i tagged along with mangobreeder and took these:

hand held:

rest are on a weak tripod... bit too much camera shake




I've had cheap set of extension tubes laying around for ages so finally had a play with them at the weekend. Coupled with a 24-105mm lens and some of my daughters Lego I got a few pics I didn't mind. Not the sharpest but found it fun so would be tempted with a proper marco lens at some point.

I knew what he meant as it's the first thing that went through my mind when I saw the photo, but it's easy to confuse 'level the horizon' with 'adjust the levels' of tone and colour. Been there, done that, etc.

If you're using one of the more recent piece of image-editing software, there should be a tool that's designed specifically for the job. Generally they take the form of a 'ruler' that you can draw across the part of the image you want the level taken from and then hit a button to rotate it by the appropriate amount.
In Lightroom you'll find the Crop Overlay (press R) tool to be quite effective.

Just make sure you've set (or locked) your Aspect Ratio before you start playing around with the rotation. I think once you start to move the image the smaller gridlines will appear on the screen, allowing you to pick various objects in the image to line them up against.
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