The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Went to do a Motorcycle trackday at Anglesey yesterday. Got there early and they had a car trackday running so got a few snaps quickly...

Like the bike shot got nice reflections, colours and panning, got a good sense of speed.

Try adding a little unsharp mask, a subtle curves adjustment and a little saturation in photoshop. Plus a suggested crop. Key thing is to be subtle with the contrast and colour, but don't be afraid of sharpening shots.

Sorry about the artifacts from JPEG compression, so I coudln't quite get the crispness the shot deserves.

Calton Hill, Edinburgh, overlooking Princes St and the New Town. I had a great opportunity with this one, but I was in a rush and totally bodged the settings.
Like the bike shot got nice reflections, colours and panning, got a good sense of speed.

Try adding a little unsharp mask, a subtle curves adjustment and a little saturation in photoshop. Plus a suggested crop. Key thing is to be subtle with the contrast and colour, but don't be afraid of sharpening shots.

Sorry about the artifacts from JPEG compression, so I coudln't quite get the crispness the shot deserves.

Thanks, post processing is my weak point as in, 1) I'm rubbish at it and 2) I never bother doing it because of 1 :D All my shots are direct from the camera.

Post processing done right def looks better though. I'll force myself to start playing around in the future!
My 1st attempt at a panoramic. Sitched together from 3 photos. The white haze in to photo is actually the snow falling lit up by the surrounding neon lights.

This is also my 1st time that I used photoshop cs4 properly. So go easy on me. The orginal image is 10466 x 2807. Thinking of getting it professionally printed :)

Times Sq NYC 2008
There has been a Christian Church in Hernhill since Saxon times. The Saxon wooden structure was replaced in 1120 by a stone and wood church dedicated to St Stephen. Masonry from the original 12th century building is still identifiable today in the south wall..

The present stone and flint church, dedicated to St Michael, was constructed on the same site in about 1450. It is an excellent example of a purpose built 15th century church and is one of a few wholly perpendicular churches in Kent. The Main Door into the church and the Bell Tower door are fine examples of 15th century joinery, as is the 16th century rood screen.

The interior of the church was restored in the 19th century and consequently much of the church furniture dates from this period. Like many other churches, St Michael’s Church has been subjected to additions and alterations throughout its history and the most recent extension to create the Lady Chapel was carried out in 1928. The Bell Tower houses eight bells that were refurbished in 1997 and are rung by a dedicated band of campanologists.


16 Frames combined in auto giga pano , 5 exposures combined in photomatix , tonemapped and levels in color efex pro / corel.


This was my largest project to date , i've always wanted to do a large interior shot comprised of many viewpoints and retain the hdr but as natural as possible. I wrote down my exposures and made sure that the exposures were as constant as possible but having enough detail throughout. I used a tripod and panned across different areas of the church making sure i had not missed any out that the eye could see.

However when i got home things didn't go so good at first , when i joined the many different stitches there was large exposure problems even though each exposure was the same in camera and combined in photomatix. So i had to manually overexposure the underexposed photo's to get them to be equal in autogiga which took more time and effort. Once they had been joined up , autogiga did not stitch part of the benches up correctly even though it had plenty of stitch points and overlap to do so. I tried again and again , in a last ditch effort i fixed some of the control points and did a smart render , finally it stitched up correctly.

Thinking it was all ready for the detailing , the app crashed and the picture wasn't able to be opened. So again i had to restitch it all up and it was getting late. I was finally able to do my tonemapping , details in color efex pro and anything else in corel.

Total Time , over 2 1/2hrs could've even been 4


HUGE PHOTO - 4358 x 3093
Had a walk around after droppng the car for MOT. Lovely day but not great for photos at noon!

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Impressive level of detail, and I think you're right - the HDR isn't for once overdone.

Thankyou! , here's another


The Parish Church of St Mary of Charity is set in the heart of the historic Market Town of Faversham, Kent. It has a wealth of artefacts for visitors to see including a medieval painted column (1306) - one of the finest examples in Britain today; brasses and 16th century misericords. It is the likely resting place of King Stephen and Queen Matilda. An exhibition and display are on show, along with a range of informative and well illustrated publications. The church is a living place of worship and pilgrimage.

14 frames , 4 seperate Exposures each in photomatix / auto giga
Toned and detailed in Color Efex Pro & Adobe
Sharpened , Contrast boosted , burned and doged in Corel

The Parish Church of St Mary of Charity

p.s I left the ghosts in ;)

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Another photo???

Canon Powershot SD550
My buddy - Tyler
Found this camera along side the road one day. Takes good photos so I've been using it ever since.
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