The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Started taking some pictres on days out recently, pretty naff sub £100 camera and I'm only just starting out but there are some pictures I'm quite pleased with.
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Making the most of the nice weather...not the best landscapes I've ever shot and I didn't have the best selection of lenses with me but what can you do...









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Perhaps we should limit the actual size of the pictures to something like 300kb too. Otherwise we end-up waiting ages for photos to load.

Perhaps something like a 1024px & 300kb photo limit?
Perhaps we should limit the actual size of the pictures to something like 300kb too. Otherwise we end-up waiting ages for photos to load.

Perhaps something like a 1024px & 300kb photo limit?

I'd say it seems a little small for today but it's not a bad idea in principle, I'd say within 1280x1024 (which is what I did for those) and maybe 500kb. Then again you can always link to bigger I guess...
Making the most of the nice weather...not the best landscapes I've ever shot and I didn't have the best selection of lenses with me but what can you do...

Straighten the horizons and soften the saturation and contrast (it's tough during the harsh summer light to get nice even landscapes). Perhaps also next time try to get a little more foreground interest in there too.

I'd say it seems a little small for today but it's not a bad idea in principle, I'd say within 1280x1024 (which is what I did for those) and maybe 500kb. Then again you can always link to bigger I guess...

I think linking to the bigger versions of the shots is going to be the way forward, especially now it's easy to sort out flickr shots with links on the forums.
Best Danbo yet :p

Some more from me, don't think the quality of them deserves their own thread, I have a lot of respect for people like Gord who's pictures inspired me to make the 2 1/2 hour trip to Cad West today, he makes it look so easy, these things scream by, even the Hercules when you are only a few hundred metres away from it :D

Only saw some Hawks and a Herc but I did get there at 1pm, there was talk of some F-15's coming through but that never materialised.

Taken with my D90 and Sigma 70-300mm APO DG lens, definitely noticing this lens is a bit soft at the longer focal lengths but it will do for now until I decide to spend some £££ on a better lens. These are cropped, except for the Herc shots.

Weather was great, the trek up was a bit of a mission but well worth it. A few more photos on my flickr page.

Click for bigger on Flickr.

Giving a wave, think I have one pic where they are both waving at us :p

edit, just found a nice video of Cad West for those interested:

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Thanks :) Like yours too, saw it on my contacts page, although it doesn't have a large size option?

edit: you've edited it now, nice one, although that white thing in the bottom right is a bit distracting :)
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