The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Just a couple of shots with me slacking off work to go exploring on hidden bits of the tube

Foot tunnel section being used as a rubbish dump


Crossover between to tracks, where Im standing used to be a track


Down the tunnel you can see the guys above me walking towards, this tunnel leads about half a mile, its pitch black so you cant see much

Love these types of shots, after a bit of Googling, I came across this and this site which I've spent the last couple of hours looking at. Very interesting stuff!

Have you got any more shots of the underground?
a random shot from this weekend

Love these types of shots, after a bit of Googling, I came across this and this site which I've spent the last couple of hours looking at. Very interesting stuff!

Have you got any more shots of the underground?

Very intresting shots. I saw a program on TV a few months ago about "sub terranean London" (sp?) which looked at the tunnels, abandoned stations, walk ways, drains, communication tunnels etc under the city. Very intresting stuff.
used a hue/saturation mask on everything but the car and then boosted the contrast for the whole image. Will sort out a resized version when I get home tonight.
Just a couple of shots with me slacking off work to go exploring on hidden bits of the tube


Which line is that, I was underground on the Pic at Russle Square the other week for a night shift to see the track guys going at it?
be careful, as there are a lot of people down there, and you will need to cross a track thats potentially live - they still run a ghost train from aldwych to holborn now and then
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