The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Loch Etive Looking to Stob na Broige

f/11 | 19mm | 0.3sec | ISO-100 | CPL | 0.9 ND Grad (soft)
Hi there, thanks for your comment

I normally use a selective high pass sharpen, however I use flickr to host and when they downsize my images they apply their own sharpening to the resized image which is a bit annoying sometimes.

Does the original ('un-flickerised') image look a bit less OTT?
ricky1981 The composition and dynamic range are excellent. I also really like the colours

Just testing my Nikon D200 out. Got me and my GF who was driving in the pic in the mirror and kind of like it. ;) Thoughts

Monkey Business


I captured this on my way to work today and had to post it up as it made me smile.
Adjustments: Small crop in Lightroom 2 beta and desaturated all the colours except red.
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