The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Here is my addition, taken with an N95. From Great Yarmouth Beach :D


I know its a bit plain but I'm not much of a photoshopper.

Also how do you all get those frames on your pics? I want to create a new wallpaper.
Also how do you all get those frames on your pics? I want to create a new wallpaper.

Go to photoshop, if you've got it.
Open your image.
Got to Layers; New Layers; Backgrounds.
After creating the background as a new layer;
Edit; Stroke - select how thick your want it. Tada!

Shame about nothing interesting in the foreground but i just had literally seconds to get a pic as the sun was going down. Just took the pic as i have never seen the sky look so colourful around here.
You should straighten that Mark, it's a little wonky :) Wonderful looking sky though.

I just put this on my DA page so it may as well go here too:

I was hoping no one would notice that lol

Its actually where I shopped the sky and ground seperatley, had them as two different layers, so the join looks a tiny bit off :(

Thanks for the comments though :)
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Heres a few I took recently

Found this very very tough, I was on a balcony and at almost max 300mm zoom with no flash, managed to get quite a few good ones but had to go down to 1/10-13 shutter speed


Pics of my cat hiding in the grass.

And finally the wife on the track.
Hey holliday

What's the first photo of? Boiling water or Irn Bru lol


It is ribena with some Cod Liver Oil, and I stirred it around a little! I take some oil to help with my skin and I said everytime i looked at it that I wanted to try some macro shots of it, really hard though as the oil begins to form one big pool fairly fast, so lots of movement sucks for the blur.
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