The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Try camerapricebuster, will show you the cheapest places for various lenses, although it seems more geared towards Canon the places will sell Nikon versions also.

Amazing site - many thanks. Just seen I can get a Nikon AF 50mm f/1.4 Lens for £217. Cheapest I found was 299! I'll get that ordered up next week.

edit: screw that, ordered now :D
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Hiya all in the photography section, I bought a D3000 last friday with the intention of getting into a bit of photography (wanted since i was 16 but never had the spare ££).

Now seeing the competition i thought Id have a go at some bokeh, I don't want to enter anything as most of you guys are simply amazing, I think the standard is too high for a beginner like myself.

So I'd be really grateful if you could look at these images and give me a few pointers on everything. Thanks in advance.




Amazing site - many thanks. Just seen I can get a Nikon AF 50mm f/1.4 Lens for £217. Cheapest I found was 299! I'll get that ordered up next week.

edit: screw that, ordered now :D

and CPB takes another victim again :D

the worst thing is looking at the previous prices on its graphs, disheartening stuff :(
Hiya all in the photography section, I bought a D3000 last friday with the intention of getting into a bit of photography (wanted since i was 16 but never had the spare ££).

Now seeing the competition i thought Id have a go at some bokeh, I don't want to enter anything as most of you guys are simply amazing, I think the standard is too high for a beginner like myself.

So I'd be really grateful if you could look at these images and give me a few pointers on everything. Thanks in advance.

You should enter the competition. Constructive criticism is a good thing and you will certainly get a lot of that entering a picture. Don't take comments personally and learn from the experiences of others - as in all things.

As for your pictures I can see what you were trying to achieve, a nice out of focus background with a nice sharp flower in the foreground, but the shots haven't quite achieved that.

You seem to be focussing half way down the branch of the flower. Try focussing on the flowers at the tip of the branch rather than half way down.

Also perhaps take a shot on a sunnier day. Early in the morning i.e prior to noon and have the sun behind you. Take a shot of the flower with the sky behind it, a well lit white flower with a blue sky in the background should look nice.

As for the spiderweb photo, hmm to be brutally honest - nothing going on there - now if there was a big fat spider in there to add a bit of interest then that might have been a different matter.

If you are new to photography, then get Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson - this is an excellent book and will give you tons of ideas, as well as explaining the relationships between shutter speed, apartures and ISO speeds. I am sure if you have any questions then make a new post, people will be more than willing to help you
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One from last week on the day we were supposed to be getting excellent sunsets, i like it but it didn't look any better than usual.
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Mmm... T350 :D:D:D:D:D:D

Looks nice. Not sure on the number plate clone though. Perhaps just filling over the text would look more natural?

Nice car and nice photos. Is it yours?
No it belongs to a guy off Pistonheads. I'm doing a few free car shoots over the next few weeks for some portfolio work so expect to see a lot more interesting cars :)

Mmm... cars.

I've started doing a few car shots. I think I've had three so far this year, basically just for people who I know or people who know people I know. So therefore ATM only one paid (for not much money). :(

I ought to try and get a few free shoots done - just charge for prints. I might post a few from the last shoot in a bit.
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