The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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@ NvidiaDan - Thanks :) It's a pretty straightforward process of painting over the original photo, the only 'slightly' difficult part is finding the right balance between brush size/wetness/mix etc.. but it was nice to have a new photoshop toy to play with.

@ famas - keep the photo's coming, i personally wouldn't get bored of seeing these little guys. Good work as always.
^^ Na, not bored yet mate, is that the same spider? you had it all this time?

ps, is this shot with just your 100mm?
Hooded Merganser

Some pics i took during my travels of North America last summer, taken on a rubbish Casio Exilim Z80. I'm going back this summer so hope to get a DSLR for the trip.

Taken from the Manhattan tours boat

Liberty Island

Random beach in San Diego

Top of empire state building


39th Avenue Station, Queens, NY

Whitehouse (obviously)
cheers for the comments guys.
Taken with 100mm and a set of tubes, the compression has killed the quality a lot though.
Also if anyone could recommend me an entry level DSLR for around £500 it would be much appreciated. I've read about the Nikon D3000 which seems to meet my requirements, but am not entirely sure how much i could get for the money. I would mainly be taking landscape shots as pictured above.


Just had a good browse through this thread - some fantastic shots. It's really got me craving to get my D70 charged and make some decent contributions.

I was driving through the Mourne Moutains a few weeks back and took these (unfortunately the weather was quite miserable).




Could with a new lens or two. Any good online stores with decent prices?
First few pictures from my new 400d :D




Can't wait to get some decent lenses for it and see what it can really do.
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New camera and no duck shots??! I've reported this post to the camera police, please read photographers rules section A paragraph 2.

On a serious note those shots look nice, I like the last one, are you using the kit lens?
New camera and no duck shots??! I've reported this post to the camera police, please read photographers rules section A paragraph 2.

Damn I must have missed that section of the rules... :p

Don't actually know where I can find any ducks nearby but there seems to be an abundance of bunnies, squirrels and pheasants about at the moment.

On a serious note those shots look nice, I like the last one, are you using the kit lens?

Yeah just using the 18-55 kit lens at the moment just to get to grips with it all, then I'll probably be looking into getting a 50mm and a zoom lens in the next few months.
Well I think you've done pretty well so far, the colours look quite impressive and rich.

We have lots of rabbits on the fields by work, keep forgetting to take my camera to take photos of them, ducks are easier because they are cheap, couple of slices of bread and you've got them for 10 minutes :)
Took this yesterday, no idea how it grew like that, doesn't look to be man made although I guess it is, forget Jesus in toast, the Messiah has come back as a tree.

And my new AI/AIS lenses along with the others I have now, bit miffed I missed the focus on these but only found out once I'd packed everything away, will do for now.

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