The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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There's probably someone at Canon HQ paid to watch this forum, making sure they announce the 5DMKIII the very second Phate has his mark II.

Hope it was worth the wait Phate.

I went a long but left the tripod at home so really struggled indoors. With hindsight I wish I'd turned up earlier and given myself more time.

Nice, it was a good exhibition wasn't it? I do have a couple more shots, but only from when I took the family round, so more snaps than anything. I did go back with a film camera, I was really pleased with the shots I thought I had... Only on the way back home did I realise the film had not taken up properly on the spool...!!! Not happy! :D
I went to Slimbridge Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust today. Only a lightening quick visit as it was -3 degrees and I took the wife and daughter...! Rubbish light as well, so only high ISO images. I liked the place though, I'll definitely be going back for another visit.

Duck by jj_glos, on Flickr

Herons by jj_glos, on Flickr

I wanted to try and get a "community" type shot but this was the closest I got, i.e. not close at all! :D

Gulls by jj_glos, on Flickr

Massive variety of birds, and lots of Canons and Nikons on show :) All with better lenses than me, wish I still had the Siggy 120-300 :(
:D - I'm sure it will be mate...chuffed isn't the word.

Sometimes after you've wanted something for so long, it just doesn't live up to expectations... ;)

If the response to your post had been "sorry it's now sold", I would have had to send yo a condolences card! :D
Sometimes after you've wanted something for so long, it just doesn't live up to expectations... ;)

If the response to your post had been "sorry it's now sold", I would have had to send yo a condolences card! :D

hehe I've used one now and still love it. Used full frame (albeit a classic) a couple of weeks ago and now I'm craving it :)

Where do you get these Danbo figures from?
I found a place on ebay and lots ordered theres at the same time and we all got them then :)

Urgh....5 days away from Full Frame goodness :(
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