The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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I think it works, BW is toned nicely too! Just maybe if it was showing more of the trunk in portrait in that BW :)

One from today:

What effects did you use in PS to create the lomo look?
I'm A Ninja, Not A Terrorist

Gotta love my mum for getting me this mock balaclava looking head gear for my winter cycle to and from work. I'm not 1 step closer to looking like a ninja...
@ Mr Jones - It definately suits you sir. I bought myself one of those balaclavas today. Great for undercover wildlife ninjography :D
You should; I like 1 and 4 particularly. I don't find the subject for 3 interesting although I like the viewpoint and look. I like the colours in 2 but lacks something, maybe atmosphere...
Prune - Love them both, first especially :).

First attempt at a gig tonight, learnt quite a lot but only came away with a few keepers.

Was with the band through setup so got a few snaps there, the shots I like the most;


(He was charging glow in the dark drum sticks btw lol)

We've had a sculpture exhibition at the Cathedral for the last month or so.


I went a long but left the tripod at home so really struggled indoors. With hindsight I wish I'd turned up earlier and given myself more time.




I really think I need to get to grips with sharpening, although the last one is beyond help.

60D on order?
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