sunday afternoon and some time to kill, so i dragged my wife out for some shots in a nature reserve. The sky was a boring shade of white, so i took an umbrella and flash along.[IMG]
Awesome pictures, what gear were you using?
P.s. you have a very nice wife :D :P
Great picture Benjo! I really need to get into gig photography, I now a few even organisers around Manchester so that should make it easier to get some gigs I would also mainly be going to Dubstep and DnB nights
What gear and settings did you use for this picture? I'm not quite sure where to start with this sort of stuff. I have done a couple of gigs but that was almost by accident because i just took my D90 down to get pictures of me and friends but then everyone wanted pictures, next thing i knew i was on stage!
Awesome, isn't it great when bargains turn out to be brilliabnt! I have the Nikon 50mm 1.8 and i'm absolutely over the moon with it and it's my cheapest lens, £90!
I definiately need to get myself a umbrella/softbox, I don't suppose you have a link for it?
Thats exactly how I got this gig
I'm good friends with the promoters and DJ's for that gig, so I was the first person they asked to do the photos
The person in the photo is Cookie Monsta, got some more dubstep gigs lined up
I was using a Canon 30D with a Sigma 8mm + external flash to bounce it off the ceiling. Was my first gig so I was a finding it hard to get the right settings. I think I had it on Manual for the whole night, 1/50 shutter speed, 3.5 aperture (lowest for the 8mm) and ISO400.
I do indeed - mods please delete if considered a competitor
have a look at the shootthrough umbrella softbox.