The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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nice pose. Looks slightly underexposed on my monitor (only very slightly.)

Edit... i take that back. I think i would add a touch more fill light (during raw conversion) to balance the ambient a bit. Her face is well exposed.

The Edited version of her (pic 1) ?

Hmm I'd say it's perfectly exposed for what the image is showing, she's perfectly exposed all round, on my monitor anyway (calibrated recently of course).

Colours are rich and image is sharp too as well as composition being sound.

Pretty much just the kind of picture you'd expect to see!
Been to the beach with the dog today, its soo hard to take good pics of her as most turned out too black so you didn't see any detail in her coat etc as the camera was compensating for the bright sand. Tried many different variations of settings but this is the only one i'm semi happy with. Totally unprocessed btw.

Was taken on a Cannon 1000d btw. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
link for full size.
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What's your set up for taking pictures like that?
I'm quite a noob when it comes to lighting :)
Noob here also and my first attempt at this. The glasses were sat on top of a shiney piano black surface. Behind I had a softbox facing towards camera and that's it really.

Next time I try something like this I will use my black reflector above the scene to cut down on the amount of over exposure which has lost the tops of the glasses.
Not sure if anyone here likes Four Year Strong but whilst out celebrating Chinese New Year at Southampton open ceremony, my brother chanced upon Dan O'Connor of Four Year Strong!

Needless to say, he's dazed and very 'touched by a star'.

First go at image stacking. This is shot from out the back of the house in Troon. There's loads of light pollution sadly so I'm a little disappointed with it even though it seems to have come out ok. The Milky Way can been seen winding it's way from the bottom right to the top centre. The mass of stars at the bottom is the galactic core. I don't know what the small galaxy in the middle bottom left is.

40 images, f2.8, 24mm, ISO 3200, 20 second exposures, 15 dark frames.
First go at image stacking. This is shot from out the back of the house in Troon. There's loads of light pollution sadly so I'm a little disappointed with it even though it seems to have come out ok. The Milky Way can been seen winding it's way from the bottom right to the top centre. The mass of stars at the bottom is the galactic core. I don't know what the small galaxy in the middle bottom left is.

40 images, f2.8, 24mm, ISO 3200, 20 second exposures, 15 dark frames.

Very nice :)

Its probably Andromeda, I think I can make out Pleiades a few cm to the left and up a couple of cm. Its so difficult to tell, was the camera facing NW?

Edit: It would be facing North from that image and it is, I can see Orion.
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